NCheck visitor management administration and configuration application is NCheck visitor management control panel application. This is a web-based application that can be accessed using popular web browsers using the following URL.

Start web Control panel

Table 5 Launch NCheck visitor management control panel from Browser





On Premises


  1. Server – Sever name or IP address.

  2. Port – Service port configured on the server. Default port is 8443.

NCheck visitor management control panel launcher application with extended data capture capabilities is available with the NCheck visitor management Server and NCheck visitor management client installations. This application can be launched from

Table 6 Launch NCheck visitor management control panel from server and clients


  1. Right click on the NCheck visitor management server tray application icon

  2. select Control panel menu item as Figure 46

Windows client

  1. Open the application menu.

  2. select control panel as shown in Figure 57 .

Android Client

  1. Log in as an attendant.

  2. Open the side bar menu.

  3. Select control panel as shown in Figure 58


Figure 57 NCheck visitor management Windows Standard client main menu


Figure 58 NCheck visitor management Android Standard client main menu


NCheck visitor management server interface will work with recent versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera and most common web browsers. It does not work with Internet Explorer browser.

Sign into web Control Panel

Once the NCheck visitor management control panel sign in is triggered in on-premises mode, you may see browser warning as shown in Figure 59 because it fails to validate the SSL certificate with trusted certificate authority. To prevent this warning


Figure 59 Browser warning without SSL certificate

  1. You may use browser option to skip and proceed to the site.

  2. You may use valid SSL certificate as mentioned in the On-premises server configuration section.

  3. You may add your server to the trusted server list.

Once the warning has resolved as mentioned above, user will be asked to login to NCheck visitor management control panel as shown in Figure 60


Figure 60 on NCheck visitor management control panel LOG IN

  1. Available languages. Default language is English.

  2. Username

  3. Password.

  4. Remember me

  5. Login button

    After successful login in, you will be landed in the NCheck visitor management Control Panel Dashboard.

  6. Forget password link

    The forgot password view appears as shown in Figure 61

    1. Email address

    2. Continue button

      Password reset email will be sent to the email address if that is specified to a user in NCheck visitor management. In on-premises mode Administrator allows to reset user password as mentioned in Change password section.


Figure 61 Password reset form


For NCheck visitor management on-premises server, the default admin username and password are “admin”

After signing in, those who have administrator privileges will be landed in the NCheck visitor management Control Panel Dashboard. If the initial required data is not set up, it will be notified to perform the initial setting up. Once the initial setting up has done, users will be able to access the NCheck visitor management control panel as assigned roles mentioned in Web Control Panel Roles section.

Web Control Panel Roles

The current role of the control panel logged in user is shown in the login options. It can be:

  1. Customer administrator

    Account administrator is the owner of the account. He has full authority and can perform all administrative operations.

  2. Administrator

    System users can also be assigned administrative privileges. These administrators can do all the admin operations except subscription management and account detail editing.

  3. Admin auditor

    Admin auditor can access all control panel data like administrator. But cannot change and save them.

  4. Visitor administrator

    Visitor admin can manage visitors and visitors appointments

  5. Visitor admin auditor

    Visitor admin auditor is also can access all the data which can accessed by a visitor administrator. But cannot change and save.

  6. Attendant

    Employees who are assigned for the schedules has attendant permission to manage appointments.

Web Control Panel View

NCheck visitor management Control Panel has following components.

  1. Attendance system name and logo

  2. Sign in user account options

  3. Notifications Launcher control

  4. NCheck visitor management Help launcher control

  5. Language

  6. Content area

  7. Main menu

  8. Neurotechnology company logo and copy right.

  9. Product name and version

  10. Support email

  11. Product Terms and conditions

  12. Product privacy policy


Figure 62 NCheck visitor management control panel

Sign in user account options


Figure 64 , NCheck visitor management log in user account view

  1. Profile picture of the account

  2. Sign in username

  3. Current role

    One user can have different roles. Depend on the current role, NCheck visitor management Control panel operations can be changed.

  4. Signed in email.

  5. My Account

    Button to view/edit your company details.

  6. Login options

  7. Sign out.

My Account

My Account can be used to edit your account details. Depending on the current role, this view is different.


Figure 65 Edit account detail

For normal users, it will show his/her details. If you are an account administrator, you will get the account details. For other administrators cannot access account details.

  1. Profile picture

  2. Browse button

    Select the profile picture from the local file system.

  3. Reset to default profile picture

    Rest the profile picture to the NCheck visitor management default profile picture as shown in Figure 66 .

  4. Admin name

  5. Company name

  6. Comment

    If any

  7. Email

    The email address of the owner.

  8. Address line 1

  9. Address line 2

  10. City

  11. Country

  12. State

  13. Zip code

  14. Mobile

  15. Telephone

  16. Update button

  17. Close button


    Figure 66 Default profile picture

Login options

Login options window allows doing the following operations.

  1. Role management

  2. Change customer password

  3. Change customer profile picture

  4. Close button


    Figure 67 Login options

Role management


Figure 68 Role management view

  1. Available roles for the user

  2. Selected role

  3. Role view

  4. Hint for switch account

  5. Switch button

    Select the role and select switch button. The following error messages could be appeared when switch role.

Role view

Figure 69 Role view

  1. Role details

    1. Admin name

    2. Admin auditor name

    3. Group code and name of the group admin/admin auditor

    4. Username

  2. Organization name

  3. Role icon

Change customer password


Figure 70 Change customer password

  1. Customer account details

  2. Password requirements note

    Password must contain at least 8 characters including one upper case letter, lower case letter and special character.

  3. Password

    The password must have at least 6 characters with one digit

  4. Confirm password.

  5. Password strength indicator

  6. Update button

Change customer profile picture


Figure 71 Change customer profile picture view

  1. Selected profile picture

  2. Browse button

    Brose the picture from the file system.

  3. Update button

    The error messages could be shown when updating profile picture are shown in below.

Control panel notifications


Figure 72 Notifications view

  1. New notifications

  2. Old Notification messages

  3. Delete notification.

  4. Date and time of notification

Web Control Panel Menu

NCheck visitor management web Control Panel Menu is used to access main functions of control panel. Control panel provides following functions through the menu


Figure 73 Web control panel menu

  1. Date and time

  2. Dashboard

  3. Appointments

  4. Schedule and locations

  5. Event log

  6. Devices

  7. Visitors

  8. Employees

  9. Employee groups

  10. Reports

  11. Settings

  12. Admin tasks

Table 7 Web control panel menu availability for roles

Menu item


Customer administrator


Admin Auditor

Visitor admin

Visitor admin auditor






Schedule and locations


Event log




Visitor passes






Employee groups






Admin tasks



The dashboard provides a graphical summary of the customer account activities of the NCheck visitor management account. Customer account administrator and users marked as administrators can access the Dashboard.


Figure 74 NCheck visitor management web control panel dashboard

  1. Quick access

  2. Today appointments

  3. Subscription summery

  4. Recent visitor activity

  5. Today schedules overview

  6. Dashboard refresh interval

Quick access


Figure 75 Quick access view of the dashboard

  1. Welcome message for the logged in user.

  2. Create appointments

    Invoke new appointment dialog in the visit management to create new appointment.

  3. View events

    Open event logs to manage visitor events.

  4. Assign passes.

Today appointments

Today’s appointment graph shows the overview of all appointments on the current date.

  1. Number of total number of appointments on current date.


    Figure 76 Today appointments view of the dashboard

  2. In progress appointments

    The appointments that visitors have already been recorded as in progress appointments.

  3. Pending appointments

    The appointments that visitors have not been recorded.

  4. Completed appointments

    The appointments set as completed appointments.

  5. Cancelled appointments

    The appointments set a cancelled.

  6. Not attended

    The appointments are considered as not attended if the visitor has not been recorded for the appointment before finished.

Subscription summery panel


Figure 77 Subscription summery of the on-premises server dashboard


Figure 78 Subscription summery of the cloud server dashboard

  1. Number of appointments supported by the current license

    According to the activated license in NCheck visitor management on premises server, has number of maximum appointments per day. For more details On-premises server and client license refer section.

  2. License usage

    1. The percentage of the number of used appointments from the maximum number of appointments.

    2. Number of used appointment and remaining appointments

    3. Visual representation of the used appointments from the maximum number of appointments.


      Figure 79 License usage of the subscription summery

  3. Cloud subscription

    NCheck visitor management cloud subscription plan selected. Refer Cloud plans section for more details about available plans.

Recent visitor activity

Recent visitor activity is showing last event recorded by the visitor in descending order with respect to the event time.


Figure 80 Recent visitor activity view of the dashboard

  1. Visitor code

  2. Name

    Name of the visitor

  3. Last event

    Last recorded event type.

  4. Time

    Event time

  5. Time Zone

    Time zone of the location where the event is recorded

  6. Table menu

  7. Table paging options

Today schedules overview

Today’s schedule overview is showing an overview of the schedule on current date including schedule start and end time, location and number of appointments.


Figure 81 Today schedules overview view of the dashboard

  1. Current date

  2. Schedule overview list for the current date

    1. Schedule name

    2. Schedule description

    3. Location where the schedule has scheduled.

    4. Schedule start time

    5. Schedule end time

    6. Number of appointments for the schedule on current date


      Figure 82 Schedule overview view of the today schedules overview

Dashboard refresh interval

Countdown that dashboard is refreshing.

Schedules and locations management

Schedule and locations management have two sections.

  1. Locations

  2. Schedules


Visit location is the place where the visitor visits for the purpose of visit. By default, NCheck visitor management has default location.


The default location is the system generated location. It is not allowed to change or delete,


Figure 83 Locations of the schedules and locations

  1. Add button

    Add new location. Refer Add/edit location section for more details.

  2. Advanced menu

    1. Import data

      Import location data as mentioned in Import location data section.

    2. Export data

      Export location data as mentioned in Export location data section.

  3. Location table

    Refer Location table section for more details.

  4. Location detail view

    Refer Location detail’s view section for more details.

Import location data

Locations can be imported from csv file. Once select the import data option from the advance menu, it will show a location data import dialog as below.


Figure 84 Location data import dialog

Once select start import button, it will open import data dialog to select the import file location as mentioned in the Select import location section.

Export location data

All locations can be exported as SCV file. Once select the export data menu option, it will show the export location data dialog as below.


Figure 85 Location data export dialog

Select start export button to open the export data dialog as mentioned in Select export location section.

Add/edit location


Figure 86 Add/edit location view

  1. Name

    Name of the location

  2. Description

    Description for the location

  3. Time zone

    Time zone of the location. The default time zone is browser time zone.

  4. Set GPS coordinates

    Select this option if the location have longitude and latitudes. After enable the view will be extended as shown in Figure 87 .

    1. Latitude

    2. Longitude

    3. Select the location from the map

      Select this option to enable map view to select GPS coordinates form the map as showing in Figure 88 . NCheck visitor management is allowing to use Google map or Baidu map.

      1. Map view

      2. Map marker

        Selected location will be pointed with this marker.


Figure 87 Set GPS coordinates view


Figure 88 Map view to select location

Location table


Figure 89 Locations table in the location view

  1. Code

    A unique identification for the location

  2. Name

    Name of the location

  3. Description

    Description of the location

  4. Table menu

  5. Table paging options

Location detail’s view

Location detail view has 2 sections.


Figure 90 Location detail’s view

  1. Location overview

  2. Access locations

Location overview

Overview of the selected location is showing in this view.


Figure 91 Location overview view

  1. Location name

  2. Location description

  3. Edit location

    Refer Add/edit location section for more detail.

  4. Delete location

    Delete the selected location.

  5. Register device

    Register device for the location. This will invoke the device registration view for the selected location. Refer Device registration section for more details.

Access locations

By default, a visitor is allowed to access the visit location. If the visit location is not able to access directly and visitor must pass additional doors or gates, those places also should be allowed to access. Such locations can be added as access locations for the visit location. The access location view is shown in below.


Figure 92 Access locations view

  1. Location name

  2. Update button

    Refer Update access locations section.

  3. Access location table

Update access locations

Figure 93 Select locations dialog for update access locations dialog

  1. Add new button

    Add new location as mentioned in Add/edit location

  2. Access location table as shown in Figure 94 .

    1. Code

      Unique identification number for location

    2. Name

      Location name

    3. Description

      Location description

    4. Map coordinates

      Longitude and latitude of GPS coordinates if available

    5. Selected

      Select the check box to select the location as access location.

    6. Table menu

    7. Table paging options


      Figure 94 Location table in the update access location dialog

Access location table

Figure 95 Access location table

  1. Name

    Name of the access location

  2. Description

    Description of the access location

  3. Coordinates

    Longitude and latitude GPS coordinates if available

  4. Options

    Delete access location.

  5. Table menu

  6. Table paging options


NCheck Visitor Management System can configure visit schedules. Visit schedules are created from a best matching visit scenario from the list of predefined visit scenarios in the system. A visit schedule mainly defines the time and location of the visit. It also provides additional configurations from which some of configurations are specific for scenarios. Refer Add schedule section for more details about scenario.


Figure 96 Schedule view

  1. Add schedule button

    Refer Add schedule section for more details.

  2. Advanced button

  3. Schedule date filer

    Filter schedules for the selected date.

  4. Schedule table

  5. Schedule detail view

Import data


Figure 97 Import schedule data dialog

Select schedules checkbox to import schedules. Once select Start Import button, it will show import data dialog to select import file location as mentioned in Select import location section.

Export data


Figure 98 Export schedule data dialog

Select schedule to export all schedules. Once select Start Export button, it will show export data dialog to select export location as mentioned in Select export location section.

Add/edit/clone schedule

Admin can add new schedule, edit existing schedule, or clone new schedule from existing schedule. A new schedule can be created from a Scenario . When add new schedule scenario can be selected as follows.


Figure 99 Select scenario view

  1. Default scenario list

  2. Next button

    Go to schedule detail view.

  3. Close button


Once schedule created the scenario cannot be changed

Once the scenario is selected, schedule detail view will be shown below.


Figure 100 Schedule detail dialog

  1. Schedule detail stepper

    Schedule detail stepper contains following sections.

    1. Schedule detail

    2. Seating

    3. Booking

    4. Visitor form builder

    5. External executables

    6. Additional settings

  2. Schedule detail view

    Detail view for each section in the schedule detail stepper.

  3. Back button

    Stepper back navigation

  4. Next button

    Stepper next navigation

  5. Save

    Save schedule.

  6. Close button

Schedule detail


Figure 101 Schedule detail view

  1. Schedule image

  2. Schedule name

  3. Schedule description

  4. Location

    Select NCheck visitor management location from available. Refer Locations section for more details about To add new location select new location button. This allows to add new location as mentioned in Add/edit location section and set it as location of the schedule.

  5. Time configuration

  6. Day configuration

  7. Queue configuration

Time configuration

Figure 102 Time configuration view

  1. Start time

  2. Duration

  3. End time

  4. Reset to default button

    Refer section Reset to default section for more detail.

Start time

Appointments start time. The default start time is 08:00:00.


The duration of the appointment from the appointment start time. The default duration is 9 hours. Max duration is 24 hours.

End time

Appointment end time. Appointment end time is calculating adding duration to the start time.

Reset to default

Reset appointment Start time , Duration to default values.

Day configuration

Figure 103 Days configuration view

  1. Starting from

  2. Ends on

  3. Days selection view

Starting from

Starting date of the schedule.

The default schedule start date can be changed as follows.


Figure 104 Schedule start date

  1. Edit button

    Select edit button to select schedule start date.

Ends on

End date of the schedule. By default, the schedule has no end date.

The end date can be changed as follows.


Figure 105 Schedule end date

  1. Edit button

    Edit schedule end date as shown in Figure 106

The following options available to set schedule end date.


Figure 106 Edit schedule end date

  1. No end date

    Set no end date of for the schedule.

  2. End by

    Select schedule end date.

Days selection view

Select weekdays for the schedule. Also, for each date it allows to specify additional settings such as user/user groups, slot time and slot occupancy.

The day view is shown below.


Figure 107 Day view

  1. Checkbox to select/deselect day.

  2. Day name

  3. More button

    More button is showing additional settings as mentioned in Advanced settings section.

Advanced settings

Advanced setting popup for each selected date in the day view allows to configure users/user groups, slot time and slot occupancy.


Figure 108 Additional settings view

  1. User/user groups

    Assign user/user groups for the select day of the schedule.

  2. Slot time

  3. Slot occupancy

Queue configuration

Figure 109 Queue configuration view

  1. Slot time

  2. Slot occupancy

  3. Online booking

  4. Allow change appointment time

  5. Reservation time out

Payment section

The payment section configures payment gateway(s) for payments while creating appointments.

  1. Allow payments

    If the allow payments setting is disabled, visitors can create appointments without payment.

  2. Payment gateway configuration

  3. Currency configuration

  4. Pricing configuration

Allow payments

If the allow payments setting is disabled, visitors can create appointments without payment.

Payment gateway configuration

Payment gateway configuration allows to configure payment gateway(s) for the schedule. If “Configure payment gateway” setting is disabled, the payment is considered as manual payment so that visitor can pay to the person in charge (Ex: Cashier). Any payment gateway can be configured upon on the customer request.

The payment gateway configuration view is shown below.


Figure 110 Payment gateway configuration view

  1. Configure payment gateway setting

    Enable/disable payment gateways for the schedule. If the setting is disabled, the payment will be a manual payment so the visitor who create appointment should pay to the person in charge (Ex: cashier).

  2. Available payment gateways

    Select the payment gateway to configure. Selected payment gateway is shown in blue color.

  3. Payment gateway configuration

    Relevant parameters for the selected payment gateway should be provided here. As an example, for PayPal payment gateway, the configurations are client ID and client secret.

  4. Save change button

    This button will be appeared if the valid configurations are provided. Once select the save changes, the payment gateway will be shown with check icon as shown in Figure 111 .

  5. Remove selected payment gateway configuration.

Currency configuration

Figure 111 Check box appeared for the payment gateway once configured.

The currency that should be used for the payment can be configured here. The default currency is USD.

Pricing configuration

The pricing details for charge from the visitor. This section can be changed according to the customer requirements.

  1. Pricing details

    The amount should be charge from the visitor on appointment creation.

  2. Seating configuration section

Seating configuration section

Configure seating configuration for the schedule created from Travel and entertainment scenario.


This section appears for Travel and entertainment visits only.

  1. Add seating group button

    Add new seating group.

  2. Seating group view

    Pricing detail can be changed depending on the use case. By default, a basic detail view is shown with the following details.

    1. Name

    2. Capacity

      Number of seats allows for the group.

    3. Number of seats in a row

      This parameter is using to generate seating view as rows.

    4. Price

      Price per seat

Break time section


Figure 112 Break time view

  1. Add a new break time section.

  2. Break time list

Add new break time

Figure 113 Add break time view

  1. Break header

  2. Break name

  3. Break start

  4. Duration hours

  5. Break end

Break header

Figure 114 Break header view

Break header is collapsible/expand view as shown below.

  1. Break name

  2. Break start and Break end time.

  3. Duration hours

  4. Click to collapse button

    Click to collapse/expand the break time.

  5. Remove

    Remove break time from the Break time list .

Break name

Unique name for the break

Break start

Start time of the break. By default, this is shift start time.

Duration hours

Break duration from the break start time. By default, duration is hours and minutes to the End time from the break start.

Break end

End time of the break. This is calculating adding duration to the break start time. Max break end time is equals to the End time .

Break time list

Break time list shows all break times added or to be added to the schedule. Added break time can be collapsed or expanded. The collapsed break time view is shown below.


Figure 115 Break time list view

Bookings configuration


Figure 116 Booking configuration view

  1. Period

  2. Booking open

  3. Booking close


Normally the booking time for an appointment is in a single day. But some tasks like a class, seminar etc. span for several days period they can be defined with no of days, weeks, or months.

Period view has shown in below.


Figure 117 Period view

  1. Value

  2. Period type

    1. Days

    2. Weeks

    3. Months

    4. Schedule end

      Period will end on schedule end date if schedule date has specified.

Booking open

Booking starts before n days restricts booking appointments before that time.

Booking open configuration view has the following options.


Figure 118 Booking open configuration view

  1. Always

    If single appointment, booking opens when schedule start. Otherwise, on period start

  2. Before

    If single appointment, booking opens for specified number of days before schedule start. Otherwise, number of specified days before period start.

Booking close

Booking close setting allows to book appointments after starting to book period.

Booking close configuration is shown below.


Figure 119 Booking close configuration view

  1. No closing

    No closing date. Can be booked booking open date to schedule ends if 1 day period schedule. Otherwise booking open day to period closing date

  2. After

    Minus day(s) to specify number of days booking close before schedule start if 1 day schedule. Otherwise, minus and plus day(s) to specify number of days booking close before period start and after period start.

Visitor form builder

Visitor forms are used to collect visitor details when booking appointments for the schedule. This section allows to create visitor form for the schedule by drag and drop form fields from existing fields. By default, schedule have default visitor form fields inherit from the scenario.


Figure 120 Visitor form builder view

  1. Form fields

    By default following form fields are available. Depending on the customer requirement custom fields can be added.

    1. Name

    2. Phone

    3. Email

    4. Address

    5. Age

    6. ID

    7. City

    8. To Meet

    9. Reason

    10. Amount

    11. Account number

  2. Form field view

Form field view

Visitor form for the schedule. Visitor form can be populated, dropping fields from the form fields.


Figure 121 Form field view

  1. Field name

  2. Field input

  3. Field configuration

    Field configuration allows to change the behavior of the form fields. For an example field is required or not, minimum, and maximum validation of a number input.

  4. Remove button

    Remove the field from the field.

External executable

External executable of the schedule is used to execute exe, bat, or API with selected parameters after successfully creating the appointment in the registration devices or the selected appointment in the appointment management of the control panel.


Figure 122 External executable view

  1. URL

  2. Parameters


Path of the external executable file (exe or bat) in the windows registration device or API URL.


Select parameters from the available to pass to the external executable.

By default, the following parameters are available. Custom parameters can be introduced based on the requirements.

Table 8 External executable default parameters of the schedule


Single appointment schedule

Session appointment schedule

Schedule name


Pass code


First name


Last name


Appointment start time


Appointment end time


Period start date


Period end date



Exe and bat files can be executed in windows registration devices only.

Schedule custom data

Customers can request custom details for the schedules such as pricing details, queue details. We will provide the requested details as an extension to the system as mentioned in Use extension section.

Schedule table


Figure 124 Schedule table

  1. Schedule name

  2. Scenario name

    Name of the scenario used to create schedule as mentioned in Add/edit/clone schedule section.

  3. Days of week

    Days of the week schedule has scheduled.

  4. Start

    Schedule start time.

  5. End

    Schedule end time

  6. Selected schedule

  7. Table menu

  8. Table paging options

Selected schedule

Selected schedule detail view will be shown as mentioned in Schedule detail view section. Once schedule created, at least one NCheck visitor management client device should be registered as attendance or registration device to the schedule as mentioned in Schedule overview section to use with appointment creation for visitor. Otherwise, a warning message will appear when select schedule as shown in below.


Figure 125 Warning to register NCheck visitor management client device to the schedule

Schedule detail view

Schedule detail view has 2 sections.

  1. Schedule quick view

  2. Schedule notifications

Schedule quick view

Figure 126 Schedule information view

  1. Schedule name

  2. Scenario name

    Name of the scenario used to create the schedule as mentioned in Add/edit/clone schedule section.

  3. Schedule overview

  4. Pricing

    As mentioned in Add/edit/clone schedule section, the pricing details added to the schedule is showing here.

  5. Configuration overview

  6. Appointment time slot

  7. Visitors allows per time slot

  8. Daily schedule configuration

  9. Edit button

    Edit schedule as mentioned in Add/edit/clone schedule section.

  10. Clone button

    Clone schedule from existing schedule. Refer Add/edit/clone schedule section for more details.

  11. Delete button

    Delete schedule.

Schedule overview

Figure 127 Schedule overview view

  1. Schedule thumbnail

  2. Visitor booking type as single or session.

  3. Scheduled date in the week as mentioned in Day configuration section.

  4. Scheduled time in the day as mentioned in Time configuration section.

  5. Schedule location added when creating schedule as mentioned in Add/edit/clone schedule section.

  6. Device registration section

    Once created the schedule, a device should be registered to the schedule Otherwise this section is appearing with warning and warning message will appears when select schedule from the Schedule table as mentioned in Selected schedule section. The device can be registered to the schedule as

  7. Public URLs to access schedule

    Refer Public URLs section for more details.


To register a device as registration device for a schedule, Book appointments from walk in kiosk setting should be enabled. To open schedule from its public URL, Allows visitors to book online setting should be enabled.

Public URLs Schedules are allowed to access from web browsers using the following URLs.




Home page

The URL to access home page as mentioned in Online appointment boking home page section.

{server address}:{port}/web/public/template/home/html/{customer code}

Common booking page

Home page lists 6 schedules. To filter and browse all schedules use the common booking page. Refer Filter schedules section for more details.

{server address}:{port}/web/public/template/schedule_selection_public/html/{customer code}

Online booking page

Browse the schedule booking page. The following parameters can be specified.

  1. Schedule name

  2. Booking date in MM/DD/YYYY format. If no booking date has specified, current date will be used,

  3. Redirection URL to redirect once booking successful. If no redirection URL has specified, it will redirect to the common booking page

{Server}:{port}/web/public/template/schedule_selection_public/html/{customer code}?schedule={schedule name}&date={date}&redirect={redirection URL}

The base URL contains following parameters

  1. Server address

    Server address of the NCheck visitor management

  2. Port

    Service port configured on the server.

  3. Customer code

    Unique identification number for the customer which is given after successful signup with the NCheck visitor management cloud server. For NCheck visitor management on-premises server, customer code is not required.

Configuration overview
  1. Online booking

    Either online booking has enabled or not as mentioned in Allows visitors to book online section.

  2. Walk-in kiosk

    Either walk-in kiosk has enabled or not as mentioned in Book appointments from walk in kiosk section.

  3. Auto approval

    Either auto approval has enabled or not as mentioned in Automatic approval of visit requests section.

  4. Pass generation

    Pass generation mode as mentioned in Visitor pass generation section.

  5. Biometric collection

    Biometric type as mentioned in Biometric collection section.

  6. ID data

    ID date type as mentioned in Pass type section.

Daily schedule configuration

Figure 128 Daily schedule configuration view

  1. Scheduled dates within the week

  2. Selected date

  3. Slot time

    Slot time for the selected date of the schedule

  4. Slot occupancy

    Slot occupancy for the selected date of the schedule

Schedule notifications

NCheck visitor management notifications allow to configure notification for visitors who have appointments for the schedule. The notification can be sent as Either Email or SMS.


Either Email or SMS gateway should be configured before configuring NCheck visitor management notifications.

Schedule notification view has shown in Figure 129 .


Figure 129 Scheduled notification view

  1. Configure button

    Configure Email or SMS gateway to send notification. Either Email or SMS gateway must configure first to apply NCheck visitor management notifications.

  2. Appointment status messages

  3. Welcome messages.

  4. Appointment reminders

  5. Visit notes.

  6. Save button.

For all type of notification following view is using to trigger the notification on specified event.


Figure 130 SMS and Email configuration view

  1. Event to trigger SMS and Email notification.

  2. Enable/disable notifications.

  3. Additional notifications

    1. Phone numbers separated by semicolons to send SMS notification.

    2. Email addresses separated by semicolons to send Email notification.

Appointment status message

Send notifications for visitors when their appointment status is changed.

Welcome message

Send notifications of visitors’ arrival.

Appointment reminders

To send reminder notifications before/after appointment start or end time. Appointment reminders can be triggered in the following events.

  1. Number of minutes before appointment start time.

  2. Number of minutes after appointment start time.

  3. Number of minutes before appointment end time

  4. Number of minutes after appointment end time

Visit notes

Visit notes are used to keep specific details to the appointment. Notification can be sent when any change to a visit note. Notification can be configured on the following events of visit notes.

  1. Added

    Send notification when new visitor note added to the appointment.

  2. Updated

    Send notification when a visitor note updated/changed.

Device management

NCheck visitor management client Android and windows client applications can be managed using Device management. Device management view is as follows.


Figure 131 Devices management view

  1. Device registration

  2. Search device from devices table

    Search device by device description.

  3. Device table

  4. Device detail view

Device table

Device table is showing all registered devices with NCheck visitor management server as follows.


Figure 132 Device table view

  1. Description

    Device description

  2. Application

    Application type of the registered device. The application type of the registered device to the NCheck visitor management server should be “NCheck visitor management visitor control”.

  3. Last access

    Last server access time from the registered device.

  4. Location

    The location device registered as mentioned in Device registration section.

  5. Table menu

  6. Table paging options

Device detail view

Device details of the selected device from the Device table .


Figure 133 Device detail view

  1. Device overview

  2. Peripherals overview

Device overview


Figure 134 Device overview

  1. Device description

  2. Device information

    Device information view has shown in Figure 135 .

    1. Operating system of the client device

    2. Operating system (OS) version of the client device

    3. Device configurations if exist

      The device configurations applied as mentioned in section is showing here.

    4. Device settings

      Device settings applied as mentioned in section is showing here.

  3. License information

    License information as shown in Figure 136

  4. Edit button

    Refer Edit device section for more details.

  5. Reregister button

    Re-register the device as mentioned in Device registration section.

  6. Block/unblock button

    Once the device is blocked, the device will be failed to record visitor events. Unblock the device to record visitor events again.

  7. Unregister button

    Refer Unregister device section for more details.

  8. Location button

    Refer Change location section for more details.

  9. Settings button

    Refer Device settings section for more details.


    Figure 135 Device information view


Figure 136 License information view

Edit device

Figure 137 Edit device view

  1. Device code

    A unique identification for the registered client device. This is not editable.

  2. Description

  3. Configuration view

    Configuration view has shown in Figure 138 .

    1. Biometric authentication

    2. Events

    3. External executables

    4. Reset configuration

      Reset configuration to the default values.

  4. Save button.

  5. Close button


    Figure 138 Configuration view

Biometric authentication

Authentication mode can be applied to authenticate user to identify or verify user. Available authentication modes are,

  1. Identification

    The identification is the default authentication mode. Identification is performed on biometric and user id data as mentioned below. In identification mode if the verify on unknown setting has enabled, the client will be asked to verify user by giving second biometric/user id capture.

    1. Biometric data

      User biometric data such as face, fingerprint and iris are comparing against the database with previously collected biometric samples depending on the Recognition threshold setting. If the matching score is greater than the Recognition threshold setting value, the user is considered as identified. Therefore, this mode may demand a large processing time.

    2. Visitor pass

      Visitor pass is a unique identification for the visitor can be used with the appointment. The pass can be used as visitor pass id, barcode, and RFID.

  2. Verification

    The verification mode can be applied with a user id peripheral and a biometric peripheral to verify the user against the previously collected biometric sample as shown in Figure 139 . To get verified, the matching score should be greater than the Verification threshold setting. The verification as two options

    1. ID first

      This is the default option. When this is enabled, the client will ask for the visitor pass first and biometric data second. Once the visitor verified, the client will record the event.

    2. Biometric first

      The client will ask for the biometric data first and User id data second. Once the visitor verified, the client will record the event.

  3. None

    When biometric mode is None, the client will use user id data to record the visitor events.


    Figure 139 Device management verification mode combination


In NCheck visitor management there are 3 types of events

  1. Check-in events

    The devices configured to check-in events are used to record visitor arrival to the location.

  2. Check-out events

    The devices configured for check-out events are used to record visitor departure from the location.

  3. Access events

    The devices registered for Access locations can configured for access events which is used to record visitors when accessing the location.

External executables

System can be configured to run external programs (either from external executable or API) during user identification. For example, an automatic door opening program can be executed upon successful user identification.


Figure 140 External executable view

  1. Name

    Name of the external executable

  2. Executable path

    Path to execute external executable. This can be.

    1. URL of an API

    2. Absolute path of the exe file to be executed in Windows machine

      NCheck visitor management Windows client only.

    3. The URL of the external application to be executed in Android device

      NCheck visitor management Android client only.

  3. Trigger on

    Trigger the external executable on following events.

    1. Check-in events

    2. Check-out events

    3. Access events

    4. Unidentified events

  4. Parameters

    Following parameters with values can be passed.

    1. Time stamp (TIMESTAMP)

      Date and time of the event.

    2. Location (LOCATION)

      Longitude and latitude of the event geo location. example: {Longitude, latitude}

    3. Address (ADDRESS)

      Address of the user.

    4. Peripheral code (PERIPHERAL_CODE)

      Unique identified number of the peripheral.

    5. Form data (FORM_DATA)

      Visitor details.

    6. Event type (EVENT)


    7. Custom parameter

      If customer request additional parameter(s), that can be given as an extension as mentioned in the Use extension section.

Unregister device

Once the client unregistered from the server, it is no longer used with the server. To use the server, the client must be registered again. Once the select OK button in the confirmation dialog, the device will be unregistered from the server.


Figure 141 Confirmation for unregister device


We strongly recommend to deactivating the client license if the client is using an NCheck visitor management serial license from the server as mentioned in On-premises server and client license section. If the client is unregistered without deactivate the NCheck visitor management server serial license, to deactivate the license you must contact support.

Change location

Figure 142 Change device location dialog

  1. Location

    Select the location from the available to register the device.

  2. Update button

    Update the selected location.

  3. Close button

Peripherals overview


Figure 145 Peripherals overview

  1. Peripheral table

  2. Edit button

    Edit selected peripheral as mentioned in Edit peripheral section.

  3. Disable button

    Enable/disable selected peripheral. Once the peripheral disables for the registered device, the peripheral no longer available to use.

Peripheral table

Figure 146 Peripheral table view

  1. Name

    Peripheral name

  2. Type

    1. Face

    2. Fingerprint

    3. Iris

    4. Visitor id

    5. Barcode

    6. RFID

  3. Status

    Enable/disable status of the peripheral.

  4. Connection status

    1. Connected

      When the peripheral is available with the device.

    2. Disconnected

      When the peripheral is not available with the device.

  5. Table menu

Edit peripheral

Figure 147 Edit peripheral view

  1. Peripheral code

    System generated unique identification for the peripheral. This cannot be changed,

  2. Name

    Name of the peripheral.

  3. Peripheral type

    In case of the input type of the input device cannot be identified, the peripheral type can be set manually. Otherwise, this will not be available.

  4. Save button.

  5. Close button

Appointments management

Visitor appointment is a request from the visitor for the visit with specific date and time as defined for the visit schedule. Appointments management is allowing to manage all visitor appointments,


Figure 148 Appointments view

  1. New appointment

  2. Refresh appointment

    Refresh appointments view

  3. Advance button

  4. Appointment filter view

  5. Appointment table

  6. Appointment quick access view

Import data


Figure 149 Import appointments data dialog

Select appointments checkbox to import appointments. Once select Start Import button, it will show import data dialog to select import file location as mentioned in Select import location section.

Export data


Figure 150 Export appointments data dialog

Select appointments to export all appointments. Once select Start Export button, it will show export data dialog to select export location as mentioned in Select export location section.

New appointment

To book an appointment,

  1. Select visit schedule

  2. Add/edit appointment detail

Select visit schedule


Figure 151 Visit schedule date selection dialog

  1. Schedule item filter view

  2. Schedule item list view

  3. Close button

Schedule item filter view

Figure 152 Schedule item filter view

  1. Schedule

    Schedule name

  2. From

    Schedule items start date

  3. To

    Schedule items end date

  4. Search button

    Filter schedule items according to the selected filters

Schedule item list view

Schedule item is an instance of the schedule for specific date. Schedule item list view is shown below.


Figure 153 Schedule item list view

  1. Schedule view

  2. Schedule items paging

Add/edit appointment detail


Figure 154 Appointment detail view

  1. Schedule quick view

  2. Appointment start time

    If the Slot time is 0, the default appointment start time is schedule start time. If the Slot time is greater than 0, the default appointment start time is default slot start time. Default appointment start time allows to change between schedule ( Slot time = 0)/slot ( Slot time >0) start time and appointment end time.

  3. Appointment end time

    If the Slot time is 0, the default appointment end time is schedule end time. If the Slot time is greater than 0, the default appointment end time is default slot end time. Default appointment start time allow to change between appointment start and schedule ( Slot time = 0)/slot ( Slot time >0) end time.

  4. Break time view

    Refer Break time list view section for more details.

  5. Time slot view

    Refer Time slots section for more details.

  6. Visitor form

  7. Back button

    Open Select visit schedule view. This button is not available when editing appointment.

  8. Create/Save changes button

    When add appointment, create the appointment with the selected details. When edit appointment, save changes with the given details.

  9. Close button

Appointment filter view


Figure 155 Appointment filter view

  1. Visitor name

    First and last name of the visitor

  2. Schedule

    Name of the schedule

  3. From

    Appointments start date

  4. To

    Appointment end date

Appointment table


Figure 156 Appointment table view

  1. Visitor

    First name and last name of the visitor

  2. Schedule

    Name of the schedule

  3. Appointment starts

    Date and time of the appointment start

  4. Appointment end

    Date and time of the appointment end

  5. Table menu

  6. Table paging options

Appointment overview

  1. Appointment detail view

  2. Visitor details

Appointment detail view


Figure 157 Appointment detail view

  1. Schedule name

  2. Appointment approval status

  3. Schedule thumbnail

  4. Visitor first name and last name

  5. Appointment date

  6. Schedule start and end time

  7. Session details

  8. Appointment completion status

  9. Visit notes

  10. Notify menu

  11. Appointment status menu

  12. Edit appointment

    Refer Add/edit appointment detail section for more details.

  13. Delete appointment

  14. Ticket

  15. Session details

Visit notes

Visit notes are customizable templates that can be used to keep additional details to the appointment. Visit note may have maximum number of notes for each appointment as configured. By default, all scenarios consist of default visit note template “Comments” with unlimited notes for appointments. As per customer requirement, additional visit note template(s) can be introduced for each Scenario as an extension as mentioned in Use extension section Available templates of the scenario which is used to create appointment schedule will be listed for the selected appointment as follows.


Figure 158 Visit notes

  1. Visit note templates list

    All available visit notes template for the scenario are listed here. A visit note template view is showing in Figure 160 .

    1. Visit note template name.

    2. Available visit notes for the templates

      The number of maximum visit notes for a visit note template can be defined if required.

    3. Add button

      Add new visit notes. Refer section for more details about edit comments visit note.

  2. Visit notes list

    Visit notes for selected visit note templates if available. Visit note view is shown in Figure 159 .

    1. Visit note name.

    2. Edit button

      Edit visit note. Refer section for more details about edit comments visit note.

    3. Delete button

      Delete visit note.


      Figure 159 Visit note view


      Figure 160 Visit note template view

Add/edit comment note

Visit note add/edit view has shown in below.


Figure 161 Add/edit visit note view

  1. Name of the comments note.

  2. Notes list view

    A comment note may have multiple notes as shown in Figure 162 .

  3. Name of the visit note

  4. Close button

  5. Submit button.

Notes list view is shown below.


Figure 162 Notes view of the Comments visit note

  1. Add note

    Add new note dialog will appear as shown in Figure 164 .

  2. Note view

    Note view is shown in Figure 163 .

Note view is shown in below.


Figure 163 Note view

  1. Note description.

  2. Attachments of the note

  3. Edit button

    Edit note dialog will appear to edit the content of the note as shown in Figure 164 .

  4. Remove button

    Remove the note from the note list view.

Add/edit note dialog for comment view note is shown below.


Figure 164 Add/edit note view

  1. Note description.

  2. Note attachments

    Following parameters of the attachment can be configured in the Comments visit note template.

    1. Maximum number of attachments

      By default it is allowed to add 5 attachments.

    2. File types

      By default allows to attach JPEG, PNG, and PDF files.

  3. Cancel button.

  4. Add note button

    Add note to the comments.

Notify menu

The notify menu allows to send notification such as appointment summery, welcome note and reminders for the selected appointment. The notification can be configured to the schedule as mentioned in Appointment reminders section. From the notify menu following notifications can be sent to the visitors.

  1. Appointment summery

    Send appointment summery for the visitor. Once select appointment summery, it will show the Notification send view to send notification.

  2. Welcome note

    Send welcome note for the visitor. Once select welcome note, it will show the Notification send view to send notification.

  3. Reminder

    Set reminder notification for visitor about the appointment start. Once select reminder, it will show the Notification send view to send notification.


To send notification, either email or SMS notification must be configured as mentioned in Notification section

Appointment status menu

Appointment status menu has following status types.

  1. Appointment approval status

  2. Appointment completion status

Appointment approval status

Appointment approval has the following statuses.

  1. Approve

    Approve appointment if the appointment status is rejected or pending (If the Automatic approval of visit requests has disabled).

  2. Reject

    Reject the approval that the appointment cannot be used,

Appointment completion status

Appointment completion has the following statuses.

  1. Set complete

    Complete appointment once the visitor completed the appointment.

  2. Set cancel

    Cancel appointment if the appointment is not in use.

  3. Set original state

    Set appointment to original state if the appointment is in use.

Delete appointment

The appointment will be deleted once select OK button from Delete appointment confirmation message.


Figure 165 Confirmation dialog for delete appointment


Figure 166 Appointment ticket view

  1. Ticket view

  2. Download button

    Download the ticket as PDF.

  3. Close button

Session details

If the selected appointment belongs to a session, created from session schedule, all appointments belong to the session schedule are shown under the session details. The session details are shown below.


Figure 167 Session details view

  1. New appointment button

    Create new appointments for the session in the same session schedule.

  2. Status button

    Following options are available.

    1. Set Appointment approval status for all appointments in the session.

    2. Set Appointment completion status for appointments in the session.

  3. Session appointments table

Session appointments table

Figure 168 Session detail tables

  1. Appointment start

  2. Appointment end

  3. Appointment status

    Appointment status as mentioned in Appointment completion status section.

  4. Request status

    Request status as mentioned in Appointment approval status section.

  5. Options

    Following option are available.

  6. Table menu

  7. Table paging options

Visitor details


Figure 169 Visitor detail view

  1. First and last name of the visitor

  2. Visitor code

    A unique identification for the visitor

  3. Visitor profile image

  4. Email

  5. Phone

  6. Edit visitor

    Refer add/edit visitor section for more details.

  7. New visitor appointment

    Refer Add/edit appointment detail section for more details.

  8. Biometrics

    Refer visitor biometric section for more details.

Event-logs management


Figure 170 Event logs view

  1. Refresh events button

    Refresh event-logs view.

  2. Event logs filter view

  3. New event button

    Refer Add/edit event section for more details.

  4. New event from unidentified button

    Refer New event from unidentified events section for more details.

  5. Selected event-log quick access view

  6. Events calendar

  7. Calendar selected date quick access view

  8. Events list view

Event logs filter view


Figure 171 Event-logs filter view

  1. Show events

    Filter by attendance events (check-in and check-out) or attendance events. Refer Events section for more details about event types.

  2. Visitor

    Filter by visitor name

  3. Schedule

    Filter by schedule name

Add/edit event


Figure 172 Add/edit event dialog

  1. Event image

  2. Event type

    Event type as check-in or check-out or access event. Refer Events section for more details about event types.

  3. Visitor name

    Select the visitor from available.

  4. Select date

    Select event date from the calendar.

  5. Appointments

    Available appointments for the selected visitor are showing here. Select appointment from available.

  6. Event time and time zone

  7. Location

    Longitude and latitude of the event location.

  8. Description

  9. Authentication data

  10. Add/Save changes button

    Add event if creating new event. Save changes if editing an existing event.

  11. Close button

New event from unidentified events

The events unable to record due to the visitor biometric data has not matching with the biometrics in the system are known as unidentified events. Admin allows us to record unidentified events for specific visitor.


Figure 173 New event from unidentified events dialog

  1. Unidentified events filter view

  2. Unidentified events list view

Unidentified events filter view

Unidentified events filter view has shown in below.

  1. From

    Unidentified events search stat date

  2. To

    Unidentified events search end date

  3. Search button

Unidentified events list view

  1. Unidentified event view

    Unidentified event view has shown in Figure 174 .

    1. Unnotified event image

    2. Event date and time

    3. Event type

  2. Unidentified event list paging


    Figure 174 Unidentified event view

Selected event-log quick access view


Figure 175 Selected event-log overview

  1. Event type

    Refer Events section for more details about event types.

  2. Visitor first and last name

  3. Event time

  4. Missing checkout

    This section allows to fix error events adding the event consecutive check-in or check-out event using Fix event button. It will show the Add/edit event dialog. Refer Error events section for more details about error events.

  5. Edit button

    Refer Add/edit event section for more details.

  6. Delete button

    Refer Delete event-log section for more details.

Error events

In attendance events, all events must be completed with consecutive check-in and check-out events within 24 hours period. If any attendance event missing its consecutive check-in/check-out event, it is called as error events.

Delete event-log

The event-log will be deleted once OK button is selected from the Delete event confirmation dialog.


Figure 176 Confirmation message on delete event-log

Events calendar

Events calendar is as follows.


Figure 177 Events calendar view

  1. Calendar controls

  2. Current date

  3. Selected date

  4. Calendar date status

  5. Calendar date tooltips

Calendar controls

Calendar control view is shown below.


Figure 178 Calendar controls view

  1. Selected month

  2. Refresh calendar

  3. Browse previous month.

  4. Browse next month.

Calendar date status

Each calendar date shows the status of all events on the day. If the date has error event(s), it will show number of error events as shown in Figure 180 .If there is no error events, the date is showing in Figure 179 . Refer Error events section for more details about error events.


Figure 179 No error events


Figure 180 error event view

Calendar date tooltips

The tooltip shows the status of the date when mouse pointer hovers on the date. If the tooltips are ok, if the selected date has error events, number of available appointments.

Calendar selected date quick access view


Figure 181 Calendar selected date view

  1. Date

  2. Day start time

    Start time of the day as configured in Day tart time setting.

  3. Select Today button

    Select current date from the calendar.

Events list view

All events for the selected calendar date are shown in this section. The events have been represented as follows.

  1. Events table

  2. Events map view

  3. Events images

Events table

All events are showing in the events table as following.


Figure 182 Events table view

  1. ID

    Unique identification for the visitor

  2. Name

    Visitor first name and last name

  3. Schedule

    Name of the schedule used to create appointment.

  4. Schedule location

  5. Appointment starts

    Appointment starts time.

  6. Appointment end

    Appointment end time

  7. Appointment time zone

    Time zone where the appointment has scheduled.

  8. Direction and status.

    Event type of the event. Refer Events section for more details about event types. For attendance events, If the event is an error event, it will show which event type is missing. Refer Error events section for more details about error events.

  9. Time

    Event time in UTC,

  10. Time zone

    Event time zone

  11. Table menu

  12. Table paging options

  13. Selected event-log

    Double clicks on event-lo to edit event. Refer Add/edit event section for more details about edit event.

Events map view

Will be included.

Events images


Figure 183 Events images view

  1. Event view

    Event view has shown in Figure 184 .

    1. Event image

      Double clicks on event-lo to edit event. Refer Add/edit event section for more details about edit event

    2. Visitor first name and last name

    3. Event type

    4. Event time

  2. Events paging view


    Figure 184 Event view

Visitor management

NCheck visitor management visitor management allows to manage visitor details, biometrics appointments, etc. Visitor management view is shown in below.


Figure 185 Visitor management view

  1. New visitor button

    Refer section for more details.

  2. Advanced menu

  3. Search visitor

  4. Visitor table

  5. Visitor info

Add/edit visitor


Figure 186 Visitor form view

  1. Profile picture

    Visitor profile image view has shown in Figure 187 .

    1. Browse button

      Browse profile images from device.

    2. Unidentified image button

  2. First name

    This is a mandatory field.

  3. Last name

    This is a mandatory field.

  4. Visitor ID

    A unique identification for the visitor. Use the generate button to generate a number if ID is not available.

  5. Email

  6. Barcode

  7. RFID

  8. Address line 1

  9. Address line 2

  10. City

  11. Country

  12. State

  13. Zip code

  14. Telephone


Figure 187 Visitor profile image view

Advanced menu

  1. Import data

  2. Export data

Import data

Select visitor details option to import visitors.


Figure 188 Import visitor data dialog

Once select Start Import button, it will show import data dialog to select import file location as mentioned in Select import location section.

Export data

Select visitor details to export visitors.


Figure 189 Export visitor data dialog

Once select Start Export button, it will show export data dialog to select export location as mentioned in Select export location section.

Visitor table

The visitor table represent all available visitors.


Figure 190 Visitor table view

  1. Visitor name

    First and last name of the visitor

  2. Contact no

    Contact phone number, if available

  3. Modified time

    Visitor last modified time.

  4. Visitor code

    Unique identification of the visitor

  5. Table menu

  6. Table paging options

Visitor info


Figure 191 Visitor info view

  1. Visitor quick access view

  2. Visitor appointment view

Visitor quick access view


Figure 192 Visitor detail view

  1. Visitor first and last name

  2. Visitor code

  3. Visitor email

  4. Visitor address

  5. Visitor phone number

  6. Edit button

    Refer Add/edit visitor section for more details.

  7. Biometric button

    This will open biometric data dialog as mentioned in Biometric management section.

  8. Assign visitor pass

  9. Advanced menu

Assign visitor pass

A visitor pass is a unique identification for visitors when creating an appointment. This pass is used to identify both visitors and appointment information from the organization.


Figure 193 Assign visitor pass dialog

  1. Current pass of the visitor if exist.

  2. Field to enter pass code.

  3. Assign button

    Assign pass to the visitor.

  4. Scan pass button

    This button only appears in client devices when this dialog open. Once select the scan button, the client will show the barcode scan view to read visitor pass.

  5. Close button

Advanced menu
  1. Block visitor

  2. Export visitor

  3. Remove visitor

Block visitor

Block visitors so that the visitor is not allowed to record events from client devices. Select the OK button from the block user confirmation dialog shown below.


Figure 194 Confirmation dialog on block visitor

Remove visitor

Remove existing visitors from the system. Select the OK button from the Remove user confirmation dialog shown below.


Figure 195 Confirmation dialog on remove visitor

Visitor appointment view

This view shows all appointments available from the selected visitor.


Figure 196 Visitor recent appointments view

  1. New appointment button

    Create new appointment for the selected visitor. This will open visit schedule selection view to select schedule and date as mentioned in New appointment section. When create appointment, available visitor details will be filed in the visitor form as mentioned in Add/edit appointment detail section.

  2. Appointment list view

    Appointment list view is showing all available visitor appointments. The visitor appointment view has shown in Figure 197 .

    1. Appointment schedule name

    2. Appointment date and time

    3. Appointment button

      Show appointment in Appointment table as mentioned in Appointments management .

    4. Event logs button

      Show appointment events in Events list view as mentioned in Event-logs management section.


      Figure 197 Visitor appointment view

Employee management

Employee management is used to manage employee details, biometrics, roll, etc. Employee management view has shown in below.


Figure 198 Employee management view

  1. New employee button

  2. Advanced menu

  3. Employee table

  4. Search employee by name

  5. Employee detail view

Add/edit employee


Figure 199 Employee form view

  1. Visitor profile image view has shown in Figure 200 .

    1. Browse button

      Browse profile images from device.

    2. Unidentified image button

  2. First name

  3. Last name

  4. Employee code

    A unique identification for the employee.

  5. Email

  6. Username

    The username to allow to login users to the NCheck visitor management control panel. Select “User email address as username” option to use the email address as the username.

  7. Capture barcode

    If employee has barcode identification, add here. To scan the barcode, select scan button.

  8. Capture RFID

    If employee has RFID identification, add here. To scan the RFID, select scan button.

  9. Administrator right

    Admin right as Employee (Standard user), Admin or Admin auditor as mentioned in Role management section.

  10. Address line 1

  11. Address line 2

  12. City

  13. Country

  14. State

  15. Zip code

  16. Telephone

  17. Primary user group

    Select the primary user group user belongs if the user is available in several user groups. Refer Employee groups section for more details.

  18. Add button

    The add button will be disabled if the mandatory data fields are empty.

  19. Close button


Figure 200 Change employee profile image

Advanced menu

  1. Import data

  2. Export data

  3. Create user from deleted users

  4. Delete multiple users

Import data

Import employee profile information including biometrics.


Figure 201 Import employee data dialog

Once select Start Import button, it will show import data dialog to select import location as mentioned in Select import location section.

Export data

Export employee information.


Figure 202 Export employee data dialog

Once select Start Export button, it will show the export data dialog to select the export location as mentioned in Select export location section.

Create user from deleted users

This allows us to recover deleted employees previously.


Figure 203 Create user from deleted users dialog

  1. Deleted employee table

  2. Restore button

    This will open employee edit dialog with the employee details as mentioned in Add/edit employee section.

  3. Close button

Deleted employee table

Figure 204 Deleted employee table view

  1. Employee code

  2. First name

  3. Last name

  4. Phone

  5. Table menu

  6. Table paging options

Delete multiple users

This option can be used to delete multiple employees at once.


Figure 205 Deleted multiple employee dialog

  1. Employee table

  2. Delete button

    Delete selected employees.

  3. Close button

Deleting employee table

Figure 206 Deleting employee table view

  1. Employee code

  2. First name

  3. Last name

  4. Email

  5. Selected

    Select employee to be deleted.

  6. Table menu

  7. Table paging options

Employee table


Figure 207 Employee table view

  1. Employee code

  2. First name

  3. Last name

  4. Phone

  5. Table menu

  6. Table paging options

Employee quick access view


Figure 208 Employee detail view

  1. Employee first and last name

  2. Address

  3. Email

  4. Phone

  5. Status

    Block status of the employee

  6. Biometric button

    This will open biometric data dialog as mentioned in Biometric management section.

  7. Edit button

    Refer Add/edit employee section for more details.

  8. Change password

  9. Block/unblock employee

  10. Export employee

  11. Remove employee

Change password

After assigning a username as mentioned in Add/edit employee section, the password can be changed.


Figure 209 Change user password view

  1. User name

  2. Email

  3. Password

    Select generate button to generate a password.

  4. Show password

    Show password text

  5. Password strength view

  6. Password hint

    Password must have atleast 8 characters with uppercae letter, lower case letter, number and special character.

  7. Change button

  8. Close button

Block/unblock employee

Block employee to prevent access NCheck visitor management system. To block employees, select the OK button from the block user confirmation dialog has shown below.


Figure 210 Confirmation dialog on block employee

Remove employee

Remove selected employee from NCheck visitor management system. To Remove, select OK button from the Remove user confirmation dialog has shown below.


Figure 211 Confirmation dialog on remove employee

Employee groups

Administrator and user group administrators allow managing employees as employee groups. All user group is the default employee group including all employees and it is accessible for administrator only.


Figure 212 Employee groups view

  1. Add button

  2. Advanced menu

  3. Search user group by group name

  4. Employee group table

  5. Employee group overview

  6. Attached employees for selected employee group.

Add/edit employee group

This view allows to add a new user group or edit existing user group.


Figure 213 Add/edit user group view

  1. Profile picture

  2. User group code

Unique code to identify user group.

  1. Description

  2. Add button

  3. Cancel button


All user group could not be edited.

Advanced menu

  1. Import data

  2. Export data

Import data

Import user group information including user group memberships and group admins.


Figure 214 Import employee groups dialog

Once select Start Import button, it will show import data dialog tom select import location as mentioned in Select import location section.

Export data

Export user group details including user group memberships and group admins.


Figure 215 Export employee groups dialog

Once select Start Export button, it will show export data dialog to select export location as mentioned in Select export location section.

Employee group table


Figure 216 Employee group table view

  1. Table header

  2. Table menu

  3. Default employee group

    All user group is the default employee group including all the employees.

  4. Selected employee group

    Selected user group details are shown in Employee group quick view .

  5. Table paging options

Employee group quick view


Figure 217 Employee group overview

  1. Employee group name

  2. Employee group code

  3. Number of employees added to the user group.

  4. Group admins

    Group admin(s) of the employee group. Select remove button to remove group admins.

  5. Group manager

    Group manager of the employee group

  6. Edit button

  7. Group employee menu

  8. Group admins button

  9. Delete button

Group employee menu

  1. Group users

  2. Delete all employees

  3. Restore all employees

Group users

This option allows to add/remove employees from the group.


Figure 218 Group employee’s dialog

  1. Select All button

    Select all employees from the table to be added to the employee group.

  2. Employee group membership table

  3. Update employee group button

  4. Cancel button

Employee group membership table

Figure 219 Employee group membership table

  1. Employee code

  2. First name

  3. Last name

  4. Email

  5. Selected

    Select the checkbox to include the employee to the employee group.

  6. Table menu

  7. Table paging options

Delete all employees

To remove all employees from the employee group as well as delete from the system. Select OK button from the delete all users confirmation dialog to delete employees.


Figure 220 Confirmation dialog on delete all employees

Restore all employees

Restore all deleted employees (as mentioned in Delete all employees section) to the system as well as the employee group Select OK button from the Restore all user’s confirmation dialog shown below.


Figure 221 Confirmation on restore all users

Group admins

User group admin allows to manage users in the user group according to the assign permission level.


Figure 222 Group admins dialog

  1. Group admin table

  2. Close button

Group admin table

Figure 223 Group admin table view

  1. Employee code

  2. Name

  3. Email

  4. Admin

    Select check box to make employee as group admin.

  5. Write permission

    Write permission has two options.

    1. Read write

      Group admins can manage users assigned to group.

    2. Read only

      Group admins can review users assigned to group.

  6. Manager

    Only one group manager can be added to the employee group.

  7. Table paging options

Group specific settings


Figure 224 Group settings view

  1. Maximum occupancy for group premises

    Administrator/employee group administrator allows to limit the number of employees of the employee group in the premises. To limit employees, enable this setting and add the number of allowed users. The employees who are entitled to the employee group as the primary user group will be count when check-in to the premises. If the check-in count is greater than the maximum occupancy for group premises, the check-ins will be restricted. Refer Add/edit employee section to change the primary user group of the users.

Delete group

Delete employee group from the system. Select OK button from the Delete user group confirmation dialog shown below.


Figure 225 Confirmation dialog on delete employee group


Report page provides a set of standard reports of visitors. Report view as follows.

  1. Report types

  2. Report settings

  3. Report filters

  4. Export menu

  5. Schedule menu

    Schedule reports as mentioned in Add/edit Schedule report section.

  6. View schedules button

    View schedules as mentioned in View schedules section.

  7. Report area

  8. Reload report

    Reload report data.

Report settings

Following report settings available depending on the selected report

  1. Date and time

  2. Show time

  3. Sum by

  4. Start date and end date

Date and time

Allows selected specific date and time.

Show time

Allow to select following to show time parameters in the report.

  1. Hours, minutes, and seconds

  2. Hours and minutes

  3. Hours

Sum by

Change the calculation based on Daily, Weekly and Monthly basis.

Start date and end date

Select report data between two dates as start date and end date.

Report filters

Report data can be filtered out as follows.

  1. Schedule

  2. Visitor


Filter by schedule name. Selected schedule name from available.


Filter by visitor first name and last name.

Report types

  1. Incoming visitors report

  2. Checked-in visitors report

  3. Checked-out visitor report

  4. Current visitor list report

  5. Visitor summery report

Incoming visitors report

Incoming visitor report is showing visitors who have appointments for the selected date. The available details are

  1. Visitor code

  2. Visitor first name

  3. Visitor last name

  4. Scenario name

  5. Schedule name

  6. Schedule location

  7. Appointment start

  8. Appointment end

  9. Appointment time zone

  10. Appointment status

  11. Appointment approval status

  12. Last checked-out

  13. Last checked-out time zone

  14. Last checked out device

  15. Last checked-out location

  16. Time spent

  17. Email

  18. Phone

  19. Address line 1

  20. Address line 2

  21. City

  22. Country

  23. State

  24. Zip/postal code

Checked-in visitors report

Checked-in visitors report is showing visitors who recorded their event in the NCheck visitor management client devices as check-in event. Following details available in the report

  1. Visitor code

  2. Visitor first name

  3. Visitor last name

  4. Scenario name

  5. Schedule name

  6. Schedule location

  7. Appointment start

  8. Appointment end

  9. Appointment time zone

  10. Appointment status

  11. First checked-in

  12. First checked- in time zone

  13. First checked in device

  14. First checked- in location

  15. Email

  16. Phone

  17. Address line 1

  18. Address line 2

  19. City

  20. Country

  21. State

  22. Zip/postal code

Checked-out visitor report

Checked-out visitor report is showing visitors who recorded their event in the NCheck visitor management client devices as check-out device. Following details available in the report

  1. Visitor code

  2. Visitor first name

  3. Visitor last name

  4. Scenario name

  5. Schedule name

  6. Schedule location

  7. Appointment start

  8. Appointment end

  9. Appointment time zone

  10. Appointment status

  11. Last checked-out

  12. Last checked- out time zone

  13. Last checked out device

  14. Last checked- out location

  15. Time spent

  16. Email

  17. Phone

  18. Address line 1

  19. Address line 2

  20. City

  21. Country

  22. State

  23. Zip/postal code

Current visitor list report

The current visitor list report is showing visitors who have arrived to the appointment. This report shows the following details.

  1. Visitor code

  2. Visitor first name

  3. Visitor last name

  4. Scenario name

  5. Schedule name

  6. Schedule location

  7. Appointment start

  8. Appointment end

  9. Appointment time zone

  10. Appointment status

  11. First checked-in

  12. First checked- in time zone

  13. First checked in device

  14. First checked- in location

  15. Last checked-out

  16. Last checked- out time zone

  17. Last checked out device

  18. Last checked- out location

  19. Time spent

  20. Email

  21. Phone

  22. Address line 1

  23. Address line 2

  24. City

  25. Country

  26. State

  27. Zip/postal code

Visitor summery report

Visitor summery report is showing an overview of visitor engagement with each schedule for given time period. Visitor summery report contains following details.

  1. From

  2. To

  3. Schedule name

  4. Schedule description

  5. Appointments

  6. Present

  7. Access visitors

  8. Attendance visitors

Export menu

Export report in PDF or CSV format. Before export report, make sure to hide columns from the report view those are not needed in the exported report. This can be done using the table menu as mentioned in Table menu section. To change the column name, use change name option in the column menu as mentioned in Column menu section Report can be exported as follows

  1. PDF format

  2. CSV format

PDF format

Download the selected report in PDF format. When select PDF format, it will ask the font size of the pdf as follows.


Figure 226 Configure PDF font size in the report

  1. Report font size

    Set the font size of the PDF report between 9 and 15.

  2. Generate button

    Generate report

  3. Close button

CSV format

Download the selected report in CSV format.

Add/edit Schedule report

The report scheduling is available for CSV report. Schedule report view is shown in below.

  1. Report Type

    Selected report

  2. Sending options

  3. Send date

    Report sending date.

  4. Send time

    The time (in UTC with time zone) report should send.

  5. Frequency

    1. Every day

      Send the report on every day at the schedule time.

    2. Every week

      Send the report once a week in above scheduled date time.

    3. Every month

      Send the report once per month based on the scheduled date and time.

Checking at advanced option allows to configure the period in days to send the report at once.

  1. Schedule end

    1. No end date

      Report will send continuously.

    2. Have end date

      Specify the date to stop receiving the report.

  2. Save changes button.

  3. Close button


    Figure 227 Schedule report dialog

Sending options

Following sending option(s) can be selected.

  1. Email

  2. FTP configuration

  3. Local folder


The report will be emailed to the selected recipients.


Figure 228 Email configuration of the schedule report view

  1. Enter recipients’ email(s) separated by commas.

  2. Find recipients from employee using the name.

  3. Find recipients using the user group.

FTP configuration

The report will be saved in the FTP location.


Figure 229 FTP configuration of the schedule report view

  1. FTP URL

  2. Check this if the FTP access credentials is required.

  3. FTP Username

  4. FTP password

Local folder

The report will be downloaded into the given file path in the local file system.

View schedules

  1. Scheduled report table

  2. Scheduled report quick view

  3. Close button

Scheduled report table

  1. Table header

  2. Table menu

  3. Selected scheduled report.

  4. Table paging options

Scheduled report quick view


Figure 230 Scheduled report quick view

  1. Report type

    Schedule report type as mentioned in Report types section.

  2. Next report sending date.

  3. Edit button

    Edit scheduled report as mentioned in Add/edit Schedule report section.

  4. Delete button

    Delete selected scheduled report. Selected OK button for confirm deletion confirmation dialog as show in Figure 231 .


    Figure 231 Confirm deletion confirmation dialog


NCheck visitor management server control panel settings are

  1. General settings

  2. Client settings

  3. Biometric settings

  4. Web interface settings

  5. Notification settings

  6. License

  7. Miscellaneous

General settings


Figure 232 General settings

  1. Day start time

  2. Week start date

  3. Month start date

  4. Year start month

  5. Date format

  6. Time format

  7. Unidentified event log count to keep

  8. External resource URL

  9. Reset to default

    Reset the settings to default values.

Notification settings


Figure 236 Notification settings

  1. Email notifications

    Enable setting top configure email notifications.

  2. SMS notifications

    Enable setting to configure SMS notifications.

  3. Save button

    Save changes.

Email notification configuration

Email server can be configured with NCheck visitor management On-premises server to receive notifications such as change login details, share device registration token, schedule reports.


Figure 237 Email notification setting view

  1. Mail service provider

    Following mail server providers can be configured to send email notifications.

    1. Gmail

    2. Outlook mail

    3. Yahoo mail

    4. Custom SMTP server

  2. Mail service provider configuration view

Mail service provider configuration view

Figure 238 Mail service provider configuration view

  1. Host name

    SMTP server to manage emails. For custom SMTP servers, a host name should be provided. For other mail service providers, host name as follows by default.

    1. Gmail: smtp.gmail.com

    2. Outlook mail: smtp-mail.outlook.com

    3. Yahoo mail: smtp.mail.yahoo.com

  2. Port

    SMTP Server port for custom SMTP servers. The default port is 587. For other mail service providers, port as follows by default.

    1. Gmail:465

    2. Outlook mail: 587

    3. Yahoo mail: 587

  3. Sender

  4. Encryption

    Enable SSL2 or TLS configuration for custom SMTP servers to ensure the safety and security of the emails. For other mail service providers, by default encryption as follows by default.

    1. Gmail: SSL

    2. Outlook mail: TLS

    3. Yahoo mail: TLS

  5. Authentication

    Enable disable authentication for custom SMTP servers. For other mail servers, authentication is enabled by default.

  6. Username

    The Username of the host. This is also the sending email address for all email notifications.

  7. Password

    The password of the host server


If you are using 2-step verification for Gmail, Outlook mail or Yahoo mail, you need to generate an app password to configure the mail sending.


Sender should be configured for custom SMTP servers to display the sender details of the receiving emails in the email client. There are two formats can be used for sender

  1. Name <Email address>

    ex: Kathrine <Kathrine@abc.com>

  2. Email address <Email address>

SMS notification configuration

SMS notification settings allow to add SMS gateway to receive SMS notification same as email notifications.


Figure 239 SMS notification configuration view

  1. Host name

    Host name of the SMS gateway

  2. Username

  3. Password

  4. Port


NCheck visitor management clients can be activated from on-premises server license. This section explains on-premises server license management for clients.


Figure 240 License view

  1. License table

  2. New license button

    Refer Add/edit license. Section for more details.

License table


Figure 241 License table view

  1. License description

  2. Enabled

    Whether the license is enabled or not.

  3. Current activations

    Number of clients using the license.

  4. Max activations

    Number of clients activate from the license.

  5. Expired on

    License expiry date.

  6. Options

    Following options are available.

    1. Show devices button

      Refer Assigned devices section for more details about managing client devices activates to a license.

    2. Edit button

      Refer Add/edit license. Section for more details.

    3. Delete button

      Delete currently used license.

  7. Table menu

Assigned devices

This shows the devices activated using the selected license file as shown in below.


Figure 242 Assigned devices view

  1. Assigned device table

  2. Close button

Assigned device table

Figure 243 Assigned device table view for the license

  1. Device description

  2. Application type

  3. Assigned to

    Device location.

  4. Last updated time

  5. Options

    1. Unregister button

      Unregister device, so that the license will be released from the device.


We are strongly recommending deactivating serial license from the client device before unregistering from the server to make sure that the license is available for another client to activate.

Add/edit license.

NCheck visitor management server support any license as mentioned in Purchase NCheck visitor management license section.

  1. License file

    Browse the license file located in the device. License file can not be changed when edit license.

  2. Description

  3. Expiry date

    Expiry date of the license.

  4. Max activation count

    Number of maximum activations.

  5. Add/update button.

  6. Cancel button.


Miscellaneous contains the following sections.

  1. Designation


This allows to manage employee designations when add/edit employee as mentioned in section. Designation view has shown in below.


Figure 244 Designation view

  1. Designation table

  2. Add new button

    Add new designation as mentioned in Add/edit designation section.

Designation table

Figure 245 Designation table view

  1. Designation name

  2. Designation description

  3. Options

    1. Edit button

      Refer Add/edit designation section for more details about edit designation.

    2. Delete button

      Delete designation. Select OK button from the Delete designation confirmation dialog as shown in Figure 246 .

  4. Table menu

  5. Table paging options


    Figure 246 Delete designation confirmation dialog

Add/edit designation

Figure 247 Add/edit designation dialog

  1. Name

    Name of the designation. This is a unique identification of the designation. Cannot be duplicated.

  2. Description

  3. Add/update button.

  4. Cancel button.



Subscription is not available on NCheck visitor management On-premises server.

NCheck visitor management subscription allows to manage subscription of the cloud server and client licenses. The subscription view has shown in below.


Figure 248 Subscription main view

  1. Plan summery

  2. Outstanding summery

  3. Payment history

Plan summery

Pan summery allows to change the NCheck visitor management cloud subscription plan. If a paid subscription selected, the invoice will be generated for the plan and the outstanding amount should pay before end of the subscription period to use the service without any interruption.

  1. Plan summery

    This is showing current plan summery when hover the mouse pointer on the icon.


    Figure 249 NCheck visitor management plan summery

  2. Quick help tooltip

  3. Plan statistics

  4. Activated plan usage quick view

  5. Client license usage quick view

  6. Change plan button

    Change plan and number of client licenses as mentioned in Change subscription section.

  7. Request extension button

    This button appears when the date subscription has ended has exceeded. Admin can request extension period for payment from Support.

  8. Plan summery button

    Change plan and number of client licenses as mentioned in section.

Plan statistics


Figure 250 Plan statistics

  1. Total outstanding

    Total outstanding amount of the subscription for the selected date

  2. Credit period

    Extension period in number of days to make the payment once the plan has expired. The account will be blocked automatically exceeding the credit period.

  3. Paid to

    The plan has been purchased for this date.

  4. Due date

    Expiration date of the plan after exceeding the Remaining usage and credit period.

  5. Remaining usage

    Number of days remaining to use the current plan for the existing balance.

Activated plan usage quick view

Activated plan usage quick view is giving overview of the plan usage as below.


Figure 251 Activated plan usage quick view

  1. Appointment usage

    Appointments used in current date as a percentage of appointments per day for the activated plan.

  2. Rate

    Per month price in Euros for the activated plan

  3. Daily appointment limit

    Number of appointments per day as the activate plan.

Client license usage quick view

Client license usage quick view is showing client license summary as below. This view is available when the maximum client license is greater than 0 as mentioned in Change subscription section.


Figure 252 Client license usage quick view

  1. Number of currently activated devices and number of remaining remining licenses

  2. Use license as a percentage of all client licenses.

  3. License rate

    Price in Euros for used licenses.

  4. Max license limit

    Number of licenses

Change subscription

Admin allows to change NCheck visitor management cloud plan from change subscription dialog as below.


Figure 253 Change subscription dialog

  1. Customer name

    Customer name used to sign up for NCheck visitor management cloud.

  2. Subscription view

  3. Client license view

  4. Save button

    Save the selected subscription and maximum license count.

  5. Close button

Subscription view

Subscription view allows to change the plan from available plans as mentioned in Cloud plans section.


Figure 254 Subscription view

  1. Currently activated plan

  2. Plan name

    Select the plan from available plans

  3. Plan description

  4. Plan code

    Unique identification for the plan

  5. Rate

    Price in Euros per month

  6. Daily limit

    Number of appointment available per day. If day limit exceeds, you will be charged per appointment.

Client license view

Client license allows to set number of maximum client license. For each client license, NCheck visitor management client can be activated.


Figure 255 Client license view

  1. Number of maximum license currently available.

  2. Maximum license

    Set number of licenses.

Plan history

Plan history shows the following details.


Figure 256 Plan History dialog

  1. Plan and license history

  2. Block history

Plan and license history

Plan and license history is showing plans and client licenses overview used for the NCheck visitor management cloud account.


Figure 257 Plan and license history view

  1. Plan and license view

    Showing plan code, max license count, Plan started date and expired dates. Current plan and license view is highlighted in blue color

Block history

Cloud account is automatically blocked after exceeding the credit period once the plan has expired. Black history shows an overview of the cloud account blocking up to date, Block history table is showing following information about cloud account blocking.


Figure 258 Block history table

  1. Table header

  2. Blocked date

  3. Blocked reason

  4. Unblocked date

  5. Unblocked reason

  6. Plan name

  7. Table paging options

Outstanding summery

Outstanding summary is a detailed view of all available payments up to current date.


Figure 259 Outstanding summery view

  1. Outstanding summery title with amount for plans and client license up to date in euros.

  2. Current date summery is outstanding summery is showing.

  3. Outstanding summery table

  4. Messages

    Warning and block messages are showing as below.

    1. Warning

      When the current subscription in credit period after plan has expired.

    2. Black message

      When the current subscription has blocked after exceeding the credit period once the plan has expired.

  5. View and pay bills button

    Refer View and pay bills section for more details.

  6. Payment schedule buttons

    1. Subscribe and schedule button

      This button appears if the payment has not already scheduled. Refer Schedule payment section for more details.

    2. Manage payment schedule button

      This button appears if the payment has already scheduled. Refer Manage payment schedule section for more details.

Outstanding summery table

The outstanding summery table is showing outstanding amounts for the plan and license usage up to current date.


Figure 260 Outstanding summery table

  1. License/plans

    This is showing the plan and client license (If used) in each subscription up to date from the last billing.

  2. Rate

    Rate for client license and plan for each subscription

  3. Start at

    Billing start date.

  4. Expire at

    Expiration date of the plan and license.

  5. Usage

    Usage of each subscription in days after the start date.

  6. Amount

    Amount for the plan and license of each subscription for the usage.

  7. Total amount

    Addition of the amount for the plan and license of each subscription for the usage

View and pay bills

NCheck visitor management cloud bill is preparing for the next bill date. If the payment receipt has not prepared, the draft is showing as shown in Figure 261 .


Figure 261 Bill draft dialog

  1. Export to pdf

    Export bill draft as pdf

  2. Billing date

    Default billing date is next billing date.

  3. Neurotechnology company logo and contact information

  4. Bill draft view

    Bill draft view as mentioned in Bill view section.

  5. Proceed button

    Select procced button to prepare payment receipt.

  6. Close button

If the admin has already prepared the payment receipt it is considered as the receipt for next billing cycle with reference number for pending payment (status “pending”) and can be paid later selecting view and pay bills button in Outstanding summery section. Once payment receipt has been prepared it will show the prepared receipt reference dialog as shown in.


Figure 262 prepared payment receipt reference dialog

  1. Reference number for the prepared payment receipt

  2. Export to PDF button

    Export receipt as a pdf

  3. Neurotechnology company logo and contact information

  4. Prepared payment receipt

    Generated payment receipt as mentioned in Bill view section.

  5. Delete button

    Delete prepared payment receipt. So that the Bill draft dialog will appears as show in

  6. Procced button

    Proceed to payment receipt dialog as mentioned in Payment receipt section.

Bill view

Figure 263 Bill draft view

  1. Bill generated date.

  2. Customer information

    Customer information updated as mentioned in My Account section.

  3. Bill details

    1. Item description

      NCheck visitor management cloud with client licenses (if used) is called as an item.

    2. From

      Billing start date of the item

    3. To

      Billing date of the item.

    4. Rate

      Plan and license rates

    5. Amount

      The amount for license and plans for billing period separately for each item.

    6. Total

      The addition of the amounts for plan and license in the billing period for each item.

Payment receipt

Once select proceed button as mentioned in View and pay bills section , it will show the payment receipt dialog as shown in Figure 264 . Once select Pay bills button from payment receipt, it will show confirm your payment confirmation dialog as shown in Figure 265 before proceeding to the PayPal for payment. Once the confirmation accepted, you will be redirected to the PayPal for the payment, and it will redirect back to NCheck visitor management cloud after the payment.


Figure 264 Payment receipt dialog


Figure 265 Confirm payment confirmation dialog

Schedule payment

Instead of paying every month as mentioned in Schedule payment section, admin can schedule payment for NCheck visitor management cloud subscription using PayPal account. Once the payment scheduled, NCheck visitor management cloud will be charged from the PayPal account every month on the date payment has expired.


Figure 266 Create a PayPal subscription dialog

  1. Current subscription details

    Following details of the currently selected plan are showing.

    1. Plan code

    2. Price per month in Euros

    3. Number of appointments per day

    4. License rate

      Price per license in euros

    5. Number of client license assign for the subscription.

  2. Charging details

    This view is showing details as following.

    1. Monthly subscription amount for the selected plan with tax

    2. Payment schedule date

    3. Initial payment

      Initial payment will be charged when scheduling the payment for the current month if not paid.

    4. Next payment

      Amount of the next payment and next payment scheduled date.

  3. Subscribe and schedules button

    Once select subscribe and schedule button, admin will be asked to confirmation message prior to redirect to the PayPal as shown in Figure 267 . Once the confirmation accepted, you will be redirected to the PayPal as shown in Figure 268 to login to the PayPal for schedule payment.

  4. Close button


Figure 267 Confirmation message dialog to schedule payment


Figure 268 PayPal redirecting dialog

Manage payment schedule

If the payment has been already scheduled, the payment schedule can be managed as follows.


Figure 269 Manage PayPal subscription status dialog

  1. Current subscription details

    Following details of the currently selected plan are showing.

    1. Plan code

    2. Price per month in Euros

    3. Number of appointments per day

    4. License rate

      Price per license in euros

    5. Number of client license assign for the subscription.

  2. A warning appears if the payment schedule has created but PayPal account details has not added by logging to the PayPal when creating schedule.

  3. Activate button

    Activate PayPal subscription by logging to PayPal. This button only appears if the payment schedule has created but PayPal account details has not added as mentioned in Schedule payment section.

  4. Cancel payment schedule

    Cancel current payment schedule. Once admin confirm cancel PayPal subscription confirmation dialog as shown in Figure 270 , the subscription will be removed.


Figure 270 Cancel PayPal subscription confirmation dialog

Payment history

All pending, completed, failed payments are shown in this view.


Figure 271 Payment history view

  1. Payment table

  2. Payment history quick view

Payment table

The payment table presents all failed, pending and completed payment details as follows.


Figure 272 Payment table

  1. Table header

  2. Payment date

  3. Billed date

  4. Total amount

  5. Status

    1. Completed

    2. Failed

    3. Pending

  6. Selected payment

    Selected payment details as mentioned in Payment history quick view section.

  7. Table paging options

Payment history quick view


Figure 273 Payment incomplete quick view


Figure 274 Payment completed quick view

  1. Payment status

    1. Completed

      paid date is appeared.

    2. Failed

    3. Pending

  2. Billed date

    Bill created date

  3. Received date

    Payment received date

  4. Total

  5. Plan usage

    1. Item

      Plan name

    2. From

    3. To

    4. Rate

    5. Total

  6. Total plan usage

  7. Show invoice button.

  8. Detailed receipt button

  9. Delete button

    Delete pending payment.

  10. Complete payment button

    Open payment receipt view to complete payment as mentioned in Payment receipt section.

Admin tasks

Admin tasks will be added in future,

Common functions

NCheck visitor management configurations

This section explains common configurations used for schedules.

Slot time

Slot time divides schedule time into appointment booking time slots and visitor appointments can be booked in a selected time slot. Default slot time is 0 and then it takes the whole schedule period as a single slot.

Slot occupancy

Number of appointments per slot. The default value is 0 and then it can book any number of appointments per slot.

Automatic approval of visit requests

Enable this setting to approve visitor appointments automatically created from online or kiosk pages. Otherwise NCheck visitor management administrator must approve the appointments before visit.

Reservation time out

Selected booking on hold time to prevent booking anyone else in online and registration device booking pages. This period is known as reservation time out.

Biometric collection

Select biometric modality to collect selected biometric modality from registration Kiosk devices.

Following biometrics type can be configured.

  1. None

    No biometric required

  2. Face

  3. Finger

  4. Iris

Pass type

Defines the pass type used to read when existing pass is used or issue when generated pass is used from Kiosk or in online appointment booking. RFID passes can be issued only from registration Kiosk devices.

Pass type can be configured as following.

  1. ID

    A unique identification number

  2. Barcode

  3. RFID

Visitor pass generation

When an appointment is booked, it can use an existing or generated pass. Pass generation settings allow to configure it.

Pass generation can be configured as below.

  1. Always generated and not re-used

    The visitor pass is generated by the NCheck visitor management system.

  2. Generate if not available and re-use

    Visitor allows to use previous visitor pass. If visitor has no previous pass, NCheck visitor management will generate a new pass.

  3. Printed pass no reusing

    NCheck visitor management allows to create appointments using visitor pass newly generated by 3rd party.

  4. Printed pass with re-use

    NCheck visitor management allows to create appointments with used visitor pass (3rd party generated) in previous visit.

Custom visitor feedback view

Default Feedback view of NCheck visitor management client application when Visitor is identified can be changed with custom visitor feedback view. Custom visitor feedback views can be available for some visit types and can also be added to the system as an extension on request.

Online booking

Enable or disable online appointment booking for the visit schedule.

By enabling this setting, following settings will be available to configure.

  1. Allow visitors to download pass

Allow visitors to download pass

Enable or disable downloading generated pass from online appointment submission.

Book appointments from walk in kiosk

Enable or disable kiosk appointment booking for the visit schedule.

By enabling this setting, the following setting will be available to configure.

Allow change appointment time

Enable, disable changing appointment start time on visitor appointment booking online or from registration Kiosk devices. The default appointment start time is booking shift/time slot start.

By enabling this setting, Use default appointment end time will be shown.

Use default appointment end time

Enable, disable changing appointment end time on visitor appointment booking online or from registration Kiosk devices. Default appointment end time is booking shift/time slot end.

Device registration

NCheck visitor management client’s device should be registered with the server before use. Registration device token view as follows.


Device registration token is expired in 24 hours.


Figure 275 Generate new device token dialog

  1. Location

  2. Client mode

  3. Generate button

    Generate device registration token to register device. Once the token generated, the view will be updated as mentioned in Device registration token .

  4. Link to download NCheck visitor management Android client.

  5. Link to download NCheck visitor management Windows client.

Attendance mode

Once NCheck visitor management clients registered with the token which is generated for attendance mode is knows as Attendance device .

Attendance device

Register devices installed NCheck visitor management android/windows client application as attendance devices to record visitor events.

Registration mode

Once NCheck visitor management clients registered with the token which is generated for registration mode, the clients can be used show either NCheck visitor management web pages or any 3rd party web page The registration mode has two options.

  1. Internal mode

    Internal mode is using to show NCheck visitor management specific web pages in clients. Internal mode configuration has following options as shown in Figure 276 .

    1. Pages

    2. Configure button

      The selected page should be configured if the page has a configuration. The configuration depends on the page. Default NCheck visitor management pages such as Schedule booking page and Overhead display should be configured to specific schedule.

  2. External mode

    As shown in Figure 277 , external mode is using to show 3rd party web page in the NCheck visitor management clients.


    Figure 276 Internal registration mode configuration view

Registration device

Register devices installed NCheck visitor management android/windows client application as registration devices to work as kiosk to register visitors by creating appointments.


Figure 277 External registration mode configuration view

Overhead display device

Register devices installed NCheck visitor management android/windows client application as overhead display devices to show visitor appointments detail of specific a schedule.


NCheck visitor management clients can be configured to show web pages to perform actions. The following pages currently available.

  1. Common booking page

    This page will show all available schedules to book appointments. Refer Common booking page section for more details. Once client device registered with the token for common booking page is known as Device registration .

  2. Schedule booking page

    This page will allow to configure specific schedule to be shown in NCheck visitor management clients. Refer Scheduled booking page section for more details. Once client device registered with the token for schedule booking page is known as Device registration .

  3. Overhead display

    Overhead display page can be used to show status of specific schedule. For an example, to show information as below. Once client device registered with the token for overhead display page is known as Overhead display device . Refer Overhead display section for more details.

    1. current appointment number is progress.

    2. Previous appointment numbers

    3. Next appointment numbers

  4. Custom pages

    Customer can request custom pages based on the requirements. The pages will be provided as an extension to the server with extension installation guidelines. Refer section for more details about installing extension.jar.

External mode

External mode configuration has the following options.

Device registration token

Once the device registration token is generated, the UI will be changes as follows.


Figure 278 Generated device registration token view

  1. Registration token view

    Registration token view has shown in Figure 279 .

    1. Registration token

    2. Copy to clipboard button

      Copy token to clipboard.

    3. Registration token expiring date and time

    4. Registration token as QR code to scan from NCheck visitor management clients.

  2. Remove button

    Remove generated registration token.

  3. Email button

    Email registration token.


    Figure 279 Registration token view

Table options

The following options are available in tables using over the NCheck visitor management control panel.


Figure 280 Control panel table view

  1. Table header

  2. Table paging options

Table header


Figure 281 Figure . Table header column view

  1. Table column

  2. Column sorting order as mentioned in Table 9

  3. Table menu

  4. Column search

    This field is used to filter the column content.

Table 9 Table column sorting options


Soring order


No sorting will be applied for the particular column


Columns will be sorted in ascending order


Columns will be sorted in descending order

Table menu

Over the NCheck visitor management control panel, list of data is representing using data tables. The following features are available in the data table.


Figure 282 Figure . Table menu view

  1. Save state

    Save the applied filters and columns in the browser cache.

  2. Clear all filters

    Clear applied filters from the browser cache.

  3. Columns

    All table columns.

  4. Visible columns

  5. Hidden columns

Column menu

Data table column may have a menu as shown in below.

  1. Sort ascending

    Sort column data in ascending order

  2. Sort descending

    Sort column data in descending order

  3. Hide column

    Hide column from the table. Use visible option in the table menu to show the column as mentioned in Table menu .

  4. Change column name

    This will show change column name dialog as shown in Figure 283 .

    1. Column name field

    2. Change button

      Change the column name.

    3. Close button

  5. Reset column name


    Figure 283 Change column name dialog

Table paging options

Table paging options allowed to prevent retrieving and loading large amount of data to the table at once. These options are important to handle large data within the system without affecting the performance of the system.


Figure 284 Figure . Table paging view

  1. Go to the first page.

  2. Go to the previous page.

  3. Current page number

  4. Number of pages

  5. Go to the next page.

  6. Go to the last page.

  7. Number of items for a page

    The available options are 20, 50 100.

  8. Index of the first row in the page

  9. Index of the last item in the page

  10. Number of items in the page

Control panel settings

Control panel setting as follows

  1. General settings

  2. Client settings

  3. Biometric settings

  4. Web interface settings

General settings

Day start time

Time to start working/office hours. The default is 00.00.00.

Week start date

Week starts day of the organization. The default is Monday.

Month start date

The start date of the month for the organization. The default is the 1st day of the month.

Year start month

The start month of the year for the the organization. The default year start month is January.

Date format

Date format for the control panel and reports. Default is yyyy-MM-dd.

Time format

The time format for the Control panel and reports. Default is HH:mm:ss.

Unidentified event log count to keep

Number of maximum unidentified event logs to keep in the system. Older event logs will be deleted if the maximum event log count is exceeded. Set -1 to disable this setting.

External resource URL

In NCheck visitor management on-premises server, If the email sent to your inbox does not show images properly. You can keep those images in a publicly accessible location and specify the URL for those images here. To refer default resource as “https://<server ip>:<port>/resources/ncheck.image?resource_name”.

Client settings

Result dialogue timeout

Timeout for check-in/checkout result dialogue. The default value is 5 seconds.

Enable licensing

In NCheck visitor management server, enable this setting to activate clients with the server license if there are available licenses as mentioned in Licenses section. This setting has been disabled by default.

Allow automatic peripheral enabling of new clients

If this setting is enabled, the peripherals in the registered devices will be enabled automatically. This setting has been enabled by default.

Event log image size

Size of the biometric image when recording attendance. The biometric image is sending to the NCheck visitor management server for user identification. Time took to record attendance can be depended on the size of the image. According to the selected size, the image will be compressed without changing the aspect ratio. Default image size is Medium. The available image sizes are:

  1. Small

    The images will be compressed to 224*224.

  2. Medium

    The images will be compressed to 512*512.

  3. Original

    The original image will be uploaded.


The recommended event log image size is Medium.

Automatically synchronize offline data

Synchronize the offline data automatically with the NCheck visitor management server when enable offline mode setting is enabled. This setting has been enabled by default.

Allow predefined location

This setting is used to configure the location source for the Android clients that need to be used when recording events. The available location options are.

  1. Always use GPS

    The location coordinate will be retrieved from the GPS facility available with the device.

  2. Prefer GPS over predefined

    If the GPS facility available, GPS coordinates will be used. Otherwise, predefined location will be used as mentioned in predefined location preference of Android client.

  3. Always use predefined

    The location coordinates will be taken from the predefined location as predefined location preference of Android and Lite client.

Self-enroll templates

If this setting is enabled, NCheck visitor management clients will enroll visitor biometric templates if there are no templates enrolled. If the visitor identification fails with biometric data, the client will ask for the visitor pass. Once visitor pass entered, the captured biometric data will be enrolled the visitor. By default, this setting has been enabled.

Hat detection

This setting allows you to record events if the visitor wears a hat. If the hat detection feature is enabled, events will be recorded when the hat detection score from the client is greater than the Hat detection threshold .

Hat detection threshold

This setting is available in NCheck visitor management clients when the hat detection has enabled. The administrator can set the hat detection threshold. Event will be recorded if the hat detection score from the NCheck visitor management clients lager than hat detection threshold.

KIOSK mode operation (For Microsoft Windows clients)

Enable this to open NCheck visitor management clients for Windows in the full-screen mode. This setting has been disabled by default.

Client mode

This client mode has two options

  1. Attendance mode

  2. Registration mode

Duplicate event timeout

The time interval between consecutive attendances records to prevent duplicate record in seconds. Default is 3 seconds.

Hide user list on windows client

Enable this setting to hide the Windows user result views from the Windows Standard and Lite clients.

Cancel event button in the feedback view

The cancel button in the client feedback view allows to cancel the event after recording. If this setting is disabled, cancel button will not be visible in the clients.

Biometric settings

Face liveness mode for client application

Liveness can be used to differentiate live faces from non-live faces to prevent buddy punching. Face liveness mode is None by default. When this is enabled, user will be asked to follow set of instructions. If the user follows the instruction correctly, event will be recorded. Available options are:

  1. Passive

    In this mode, the user should hold his head still for a few seconds.


    Figure 285 Android Standard client in passive liveness mode

  2. Active

    In this mode, the user should follow the commands on the screen by moving his head or blinking eyes.


    Figure 286 Windows Standard client in active liveness mode


    Figure 287 Android Standard client in active liveness mode

  3. Passive and active

    Both passive and active mode above is combined for better face recognition result.

  4. Simple

    In this mode, the user should follow the commands on the screen and turn face time to time. It is a simplified version of Active liveness recognition.


    Figure 288 Windows Standard client in simple liveness mode


    Figure 289 Android Standard client in simple liveness mode

  5. Custom

    In this mode, it is required to turn head to four directions (up, down, left, right) in a random order (follow up points are same as Active mode).


    Figure 290 Windows Standard client in custom liveness mode


    Figure 291 Android Standard client in custom liveness mode

  6. None

    In this mode, the face liveness check is not performed.

Face liveness threshold for client application

The value which controls the requirements for client-side face liveness. The greater this value is the stricter rules are applied when deciding if the face is live. The default face liveness threshold value is 50.

Server-side face liveness checking

Enable this setting to differentiate live faces from non-live faces. Unlike client-side face liveness, here the server will detect the liveness of the captured face.

Server face liveness confidence threshold

The value which controls the requirements for server-side face liveness. The greater this value is the stricter rules are applied when deciding if the face is live. The default face liveness threshold value is 50.

Recognition threshold

Increase the value if same user identified differently time to time during identification. Note that good image quality is required for higher recognition accuracy during face identification. The default recognition threshold value is 48.

Verification threshold

Increase the value if higher verification accuracy is required. Note that good image quality is required for higher accuracy during face verification. The default verification threshold value is 36.

Enrollment threshold

Start with a higher enrollment accuracy if the system is intended to be used with a larger crowd. Default enrollment threshold value is 48.

Face confidence

Use higher face confidence for event image if good image quality is available. The default face confidence value is 40.

Face quality

Increase the value if the same user identified differently from time to time. By increasing the value, the system is forced to ignore low quality face images. The default face quality value is 40. Face quality will be 0, if the “Mask detection” setting is set to detect or required.

Mask detection

Neurotechnology Biometric algorithms can recognize faces even the person wearing a mask. In an environment where most people wear face masks (e. g.: Hospitals) this setting will easily identify employees. To enable this feature, check the checkbox “Detect faces with mask” under Face Quality setting.


By enabling this setting, face quality threshold is set to 0 and you cannot change it without disabling mask mode.

The following settings are available for mask detection.

  1. Disable

    Select this option to identify face without face mask.

  2. Detect

    Select this option to identify face with face mask. The detection will be indicated in the clients as follows.

    Table 10 Indicators for Detect mask detection option

    Indicator of Windows Standard client

    Indicator of Android Standard client

    Mask detection score >= Mask detection threshold


    Mask detection score < Mask detection threshold

  3. Required

    To record the event successfully, user must wear a mask. If the mask detection score is greater than the “Mask detection threshold”, attendance will be recorded successfully. The detection will be indicated in the clients as below.

    Table 11 Indicators for Required mask detection option

    Indicator of Windows Standard client

    Indicator of Android Standard client

    Mask detection score >= Mask detection threshold


    Mask detection score < Mask detection threshold

Mask detection threshold

Decrease the value, if a user face with a face mask is not identified as mentioned in “Mask detection” settings. Make sure that you have selected the “Detect face mask” setting under the “Face quality” setting in biometric setting.

Maximum face yaw

The maximum angle of the face needs to be captured by the client. Maximum face yaw can be 0- 90 degrees.

Fingerprint quality

Increase the value if the same user identified differently from time to time. By increasing the value, the system is forced to ignore low quality finger scans. The default fingerprint quality value is 40.

Iris quality

Increase the value if the same user identified differently from time to time. By increasing the value, the system is forced to ignore low quality iris scans. The default fingerprint quality value is 50.

Face confidence for enrollment

Use higher face confidence for enrolling image if good image quality is available. The default face confidence value is 30.

Face quality for Enrollment

Increase the value if the enrolling face image duplicates with enrolled face image of another user. By increasing this value, the system is forced to ignore low quality face images. The default value is 48.

Finger quality for Enrollment

Increase the value if the enrolling finger image duplicated with enrolled finger image of another user. By increasing the value, the system is forced to ignore low quality finger scans. The default fingerprint quality value is 40.

Iris quality for Enrollment

Increase the value if the enrolling itris image duplicates with the iris image of another user. By increasing the value, the system is forced to ignore low quality iris scans. The default fingerprint quality value is 50.

High-speed face detection

High speed face detection when the face biometric is used. This setting has been disabled by default.

Disable duplicate checking

Enable this setting to enroll same biometric image for different users.

Web interface settings

Dashboard refresh interval

Dashboard refresh interval can be set in minutes to refresh the Dashboard to display recent attendance overview. The default refreshing interval is 2 minutes.

Show meridian in time

Enable the toggle button to show AM/PM with the time. This setting has been disabled by default.

Report export PDF font

User must select appropriate font from this setting to export report successfully according to the selected control panel language. The available fonts are:

  1. Roboto (Latin)

    Default font to export pdf report. Select this language to export report in any western European language.

  2. Simsun (Chinese, Latin)

    Select this font to export report in Chinese language.

  3. Ek Mukta (Hindi, Latin

    Select this font to export report in Hindi language.

Event log location map provider

Select map provider to

  1. Check the map representation of visitor event logs as mentioned in Events map view section.

  2. Select GPS coordinates when creating NCheck visitor management location as mentioned in Add/edit location section.

Available map providers are:

  1. Google maps

  2. Baidu maps

Map API key

Add map API key to enable map representation.

Notification send view

Notification send view is shown below.


Figure 292 Notification send view

  1. Send email

    By default this is enabled. To send email add

    1. Email

      Email address to send.

    2. CC email

      CC email address if exist.

  2. Send SMS

    Add phone number to send the SMS notification.

  3. Sending time

    This will appear for notification reminders only. Notification sending date and time can be set from here.

  4. Send button.

  5. Close button


To send email, email notification must be configured as mentioned in notification section. To send SMS, SMS notification must be configured as mentioned in notification section

Select visitor/employee profile image from unidentified events

This allows to select unidentified image from the unidentified events. Refer New event from unidentified events section for more details about unidentified events.


Figure 293 Choose from unidentified images dialog

  1. Unidentified images filter view

  2. Unidentified images list view

Unidentified images filter view


Figure 294 Unidentified image filter view

  1. From

    Filter starts date

  2. To

    Filter end date

  3. Refresh button

    Search unidentified images according to the from and to date.

Unidentified images list view


Figure 295 Unidentified image list view

  1. Unidentified images list

    Select the image from available to set the visitor/employee profile image.

  2. Paging view

Import and export data

Select import location

This view allows to browse files In the local file system for operations in NCheck visitor management system.

  1. Select the import location file

  2. Password protection

    Select this check box to enter the password if the file is encrypted.

  3. File password

    Enter the encrypted password.

  4. Execute button

    Execute button will be disabled if the mandatory fields are empty.

  5. Close button

Import from local file system

Choose the zip/csv file from the local file system.

Import from FTP

This view allows to configure FTP location to import files for operations in NCheck visitor management system.


Figure 296 FTP server location settings view

  1. FTP host address

  2. File path in the file system

  3. Check this if the FTP access credentials are required.

  4. FTP Username

  5. FTP password

Select export location


Encrypted files cannot be opened via Microsoft Windows default extractor. You may use any third-party software which supports encrypted files extraction.

  1. Export option

  2. File password

    The password must have at least 6 character and one digit/

  3. Confirm password.

  4. Execute button

    Execute button will be disabled if the mandatory fields are empty.

  5. Close button

Download exported files

Download the file to the local file system.

Save to FTP location

This view allows to set FTP location details for file save operations in NCheck visitor management server.


Figure 297 FTP server location configuration for save exported files

  1. FTP host address

  2. File path in the file system

  3. Check this if the FTP access credentials is required.

  4. FTP Username

FTP password

Biometric management

Biometric management allows to manage employee/visitor biometrics in the server.


Figure 298 Biometric management view

  1. Visitor/employee first name and last name

  2. Enroll biometrics list

    Enrolled biometrics images and the type (Face, Finger, or Iris) are available.

  3. Enroll from history

  4. Capture menu

    This menu will appear when this dialog is open from the NCheck visitor management clients. Refer control panel preference in client section. Client allows to

    1. Capture face

    2. Capture finger

    3. Capture iris

  5. Upload menu

    Upload biometric from the device. When uploading images, the enrollment might fail for large size images due to the network problems. If the uploading image is larger than 2MB, a warning appears as shown in Figure 299 . The following options available to upload biometrics.

    1. Upload face image

    2. Upload finger image

    3. Upload iris image

  6. Delete button

    Delete selected biometrics.


    Figure 299 Upload image size waring dialog

Enroll from history

The face, fingerprint, and iris images, unable to identify the user while recording attendances, are kept in NCheck visitor management server. These biometric images can be used to enroll employees/visitors.


Figure 300 Enroll biometric from history dialog

  1. History event image filter view

  2. History event image list view

  3. Enroll button.

  4. Close button

History event image filter view

Figure 301 History image filter view

  1. From

  2. To

  3. Closely matching biometrics

    NCheck visitor management server will filter out the closely matching biometrics for the user from history.

  4. Filter by device

    Enable this setting to filter out the biometrics from personal devices.

  5. Filter by user group

    Enable this setting to filter images from selected user group.

  6. Search button


Filter by device and filter by user group filters are available for employees only.

History event image list view
  1. History event image list view

    History event image list view contain event image as shown in Figure 302 .

    1. Event image

    2. Delete button

    3. Event date and time

    4. Event detail view button

      This will show event detail dialog as mentioned in Event detail view section.

  2. Image paging view


    Figure 302 Event image view

Event detail view

Figure 303 Event detail view

  1. Event image

  2. Event detail

    1. Modality as face, finger or iris used to record event.

    2. Event time

    3. Latitude and longitude where the event have recorded.

    4. Address where the event has recorded.

  3. Close button

Report parameters

Time spent

The time spent on the appointment. This is an addition of time difference of consecutive check-in and check-outs.


Number of appointments booked by visitors.


Number of visitors who made either access or attendance event for the appointment.

Access visitors

Number of visitors who made access events for the appointment.

Attendance visitors

Number of visitors who made attendance(check-in/check-out) events for the appointment.

Appointment status

Appointment status as mentioned in Appointment completion status section.

Appointment approval status

Appointment approval status as mentioned in Appointment approval status section.