
4 月 1, 2024

生物识别考勤系统的 8 个优势

追踪员工出勤的唯一可用方法是笔和纸的日子已经一去不复返了。生物识别考勤系统现已成为企业的首选武器,试图最大限度地减少时间盗窃并降低与生产力损失相关的成本。虽然生物识别技术并不是万无一失的解决方案, […]
3 月 6, 2024
Glowing neon eye scanner sign.

Iris Recognition for Time and Attendance: Managing Access with Precision and Security

1 月 31, 2024
Biometric attendance tracking software in use upon door entry to building

5 Simple Benefits of Integrating Biometric Attendance Tracking Software into your Business

In modern business, in order for your company to maintain its performance and grow within a competitive field it is important to make improvements wherever possible.  Every facet of a business is crucial to success, none more so than workflow management. If you are unsure or in the dark about […]
1 月 22, 2024

Why biometric security stands in a league of its own

In an increasingly digital world, securing access to physical facilities and sensitive information has become paramount.  Traditional security methods such as passwords, PINs and keys have proved to be too easily compromised and therefore are no longer suitable for the demands placed upon modern security systems.  Biometric security systems that rely […]
11 月 30, 2023
Identity and access management system

Identity and Access Management (IAM) system: An Explanatory Guide

In today’s digital landscape, safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring secure access to data has become paramount for businesses and individuals alike. Identity and Access Management (IAM) systems play an important role in strengthening cybersecurity measures. An Identity and Access Management system can be described as a framework of processes that grant access […]
9 月 29, 2023

Clocking In Machines: Is it time to move on?

Clocking in machines have been a common sight in workplaces for generations across the world, but they are quickly being replaced by biometric solutions.
9 月 5, 2023
Employee entering the building premises, stood next to the visitor authentication and management system

8 Key Components for a Visitor Authentication and Management System

Security, accessibility and efficiency are key concerns for any institution or organization that receives visitors. Having a robust visitor management system in place is crucial not only to ensure security and controlled access, but also to improve the overall visitor experience and administrative processes.  Here are the key components needed to make […]
8 月 31, 2023
Technological display of an employee attendance tracking system in use by a work employee in reception

Evolution of Employee Attendance Tracking Systems

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving work landscape, businesses are continuously seeking ways to advance their working practices to improve efficiency and productivity. From the traditional punch cards through to advanced biometric time clock systems, the methods used by businesses to track attendance has transformed significantly over the centuries.  We outline how […]
8 月 9, 2023

9 Most Popular Industry Applications for Biometric Attendance Monitoring

Biometric attendance monitoring is becoming increasingly prevalent across various industries as businesses and organizations look to leverage the benefits offered by biometric identification.  By using the biometric identification of face, fingerprint and iris scanning, organizations can ensure accurate and secure attendance tracking for their employees, without the need for specialist […]
6 月 22, 2023
Biometric technology advantages and disadvantages

Biometric Authentication Advantages and Disadvantages

4 月 6, 2022
Attendance monitoring system


5 月 3, 2021

对付懒惰员工的 10 个技巧

懒惰的员工会做任何事情,除了高效工作,同时仍然期望月底拿到薪水。偷懒者可以通过多种方式影响您的业务,从破坏其他员工的努力到减少公司的整体产出。研究表明,世界上总会有一个懒鬼 […]
4 月 28, 2021
Time management tips

9 个实用的时间管理技巧

时间管理在生活的各个方面都至关重要。对于企业来说,时间管理技能可以帮助公司充分利用可用时间并提高员工绩效。通过这种方式,您可以优先考虑重要的事情并更快地实现目标。由于这些原因,时间管理技巧对于 […]
4 月 24, 2021
Timesheet fraud


员工考勤表欺诈是当今社会许多企业面临的一个问题。事实上,统计数据显示,时间盗窃每年会给公司造成高达 $150 万的损失。例如,员工可能会投入原本没有工作的时间,有时却可以侥幸逃脱并获得报酬。 […]
4 月 16, 2021
Employee relations issues

6 个最常见的员工关系问题及其处理方法

员工之间的关系可能决定着公司是发展还是失败。因此,为了公司的成功,你必须管理和维持积极的员工关系。然而,你可能知道,工作场所的员工关系问题总是存在的。如果置之不理,这些问题 […]
4 月 2, 2021
How to improve employee performance

提高员工绩效的 6 个技巧

员工绩效是任何企业最重要的部分。员工绩效是决定特定企业成功或失败的重要指标。高绩效员工总是能按时完成任务、实现销售、积极转变品牌并增强更好的客户互动。本文将提供 6 […]
3 月 9, 2021
how to monitor employees working from home


将公司的大部分员工从现场转移到远程的原因有很多,但无论原因如何,事实仍然是您仍然需要监控他们。确保员工继续完成任务并承担责任仍然迫在眉睫,如果没有适当的工具,这可能会变得更加困难。这 […]
3 月 3, 2021
Employee absenteeism


员工缺勤是指员工在工作场所习惯性缺勤,通常是未经通知和无计划的。由于没有理想的工作场所可以遏制旷工,工人时常会缺勤。伙伴打拳之类的做法会让旷工很难被注意到,因此一些人 […]
2 月 15, 2021
What is buddy punching


大多数企业都有政策来防止和惩罚员工在工作场所偷窃。然而,大多数中小企业主无法防范更模糊的员工盗窃类型,即时间盗窃。简单来说,时间盗窃是指员工因工作时间被支付工资。 […]
12 月 17, 2020
Advantages of biometric attendance systems

生物识别考勤系统的 8 个优势

追踪员工出勤的唯一可用方法是笔和纸的日子已经一去不复返了。生物识别考勤系统现已成为企业的首选武器,试图最大限度地减少时间盗窃并降低与生产力损失相关的成本。虽然生物识别技术并不是万无一失的解决方案, […]
12 月 14, 2020
How to track employee hours

跟踪员工工时的 6 种最常用方法。哪一个最好?

除非您是独立承包商,否则拥有自己的企业需要大量的簿记工作——其中最重要的是跟踪员工的工作时间。在本文中,我们将研究为什么应该跟踪员工工作时间、最常用的方法以及员工跟踪的未来提供什么。 […]
12 月 9, 2020
Employee time theft


拥有和经营一家企业已经够困难的了,不必担心你的员工是否偷窃你的钱,但最常见的员工盗窃类型之一是“时间盗窃”。在这里,我们详细分析了员工时间盗窃的问题并研究了一些解决方案 […]
8 月 12, 2020

COVID-19 彻底重塑了生物识别考勤行业

COVID-19 危机极大地改变了全球人们对生物识别考勤技术的看法,无论其行业或部门如何。从现在开始,企业将更加关注必须亲自到场的一线员工的健康和安全。 […]
9 月 25, 2019

Neurotechnology 发布 NCheck Bio 考勤考勤解决方案更新

NCheck Bio Attendance 5.0 是一款终端用户软件解决方案,可让用户使用生物指纹、虹膜或面部识别技术在智能手机、电脑或专用设备上快速轻松地记录考勤。立陶宛维尔纽斯 – 2019 年 9 月 25 日 – Neurotechnology 是一家基于深度学习的解决方案和高精度解决方案的提供商 […]
2 月 2, 2019
NCheck Iris detection


虹膜模态通过虹膜识别提供非接触式卫生个人身份识别和考勤。研究证明,在大多数覆盖手和脸的临床研究实验室中,基于虹膜的考勤系统是识别个人的首选方法。虹膜识别 卫生和虹膜识别 从本质上讲,卫生起着至关重要的作用 […]
7 月 13, 2016

全新 NCheck Bio 考勤 3.1 提供智能生物识别考勤跟踪

立陶宛维尔纽斯 – 2016 年 7 月 13 日。高精度生物识别和人工智能技术提供商 Neurotechnology 今天宣布发布 NCheck Bio attendance 3.1,该系统可使用指纹和/或面部生物识别。将生物识别技术纳入时间 […]
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