NCheck 生物考勤使用生物特征识别 面部、指纹和虹膜扫描 在不需要专业硬件*的情况下,高效地大规模、灵活地监控、管理和登记出勤情况。





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Case Study

Pantaleon Sugar Mill Project

The need: Panteleon wanted to have a futuristic, robust and reliable attendance system which can support more than one biometric modalities which is convenient to use and provide both offline and online attendance whilst supporting large numbers of users on the virtual server.

The solution: Panteleon had already been using Biometric attendance system. The cur-rent system had a lot of issue. They evaluated several attendance systems in the market and finally settled with NCheck Attendance

Results: With the implementation of NCheck, Panteleon increased efficiencies and saved its operational cost. Most important, the information was made available anytime anywhere for the management. The solution was implemented long ago before the Pandemic and the management realized that the solution even worked during the pandemic situation, as the solution offered touch-less and contact less attendance and even with face mask. As a result of the Multi-modality support it was possible for the organization to continue to work even during Pandemic without losing a single Pay.